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Everything posted by unoreporter

  1. their is no patch note we all got scammed many people have snowball on their alts was now become useless shameful action by bns torturing their own player to quite game so whole 1month work gone waste ? that how u people do with ur people touring them?
  2. also i read whole patch note their is no info that u put locked account limit such a shameful act on it u hurting ur people feelings
  3. shameless scammed by nsoft event is not meant to lock thing u locked intentionally who got some trouble at last day with some house work or light issue or some internet issue then who got evo is good now who did hard work on their alt and main welcome locked on account limit shameful not even character limit i really disappointed on nsoft from behalf
  4. bns dont know the hacker can still hack forest of echoes thornwind etc and u think pve is also loaded with tons of macro and gcd hacker get easily top 1 rank and we cannot able to get those rank with high ping bns did a very strict action now everyone struggle to get hm coin well have fun pvp game over no hope either
  5. everyone got evo from previous event token and some of us stuck now u put intentionally locked on it
  6. or their 1 last solution as well give everyone same hm coin on 1-1000rank listing even it high or low problem solved just give ranking player more moonstone viseversa on arena more soulstone viseversa on mushintower more badge fragments logic and hint and note if everyone get same hm coin on any rank -no one will fight for moonstone or soulstone as well as no one wintrade since no one care at any rank they get same hm coin
  7. i don't know if people think mult word but people get their alt 200-300k hp damage 300k or get easily cap at last 2 week which help them as well as increase the lfp speed some 10% having bad luck provide negative feedback to remove hm coin is not good idea even if bns think decided to remove hm coin take my word your battleground and arena dead itself people enjoy bns cause of hongmoon coin and buy outfit or use some trove or etc i didnt saw people use them from selling purpose their is no proof either way everything on air word i suggest bns from behalf of 90% community not to remove hm coin from battleground the solution is easy increase the rank listing so everyone get on rank list and reduce the rank require to get hm coin so large community also gain hm coin and put terms and condition regarding hm coin ticket will warning and banned ur account instead(REASON - some stupid 5-10% people who have badluck lost rank and blame nsoft) . Nsoft less waste time and do more update on content as well focus on bug fix this will make people happy
  8. yah it too hard to get now hard mode drop like 5-6 scale feel bored to play hard mode
  9. NO ONE will quiet game even u add cheat or no cheat the real problem is ur f8 is too hard for people to dailies at current and i cant able to preview equipment upgrade path u need to work on fixing ui no one ever waste time to do cheat cause they can get banned plz make the boss easy mode more easier it too difficult at current better focus on game features update and i forward to look more graphic update on ue4
  10. fancy idea also worse to help new player and make hard growth of game if they cant enjoy the game dies u just thinking ur own brain like i have power i want to rule on this map stupid idea just telling for example all whales on one side and all baby account one side how can growth occurs if their no one to guide ?
  11. where is armory pearl in dragon express so i need to send ticket to restore my 11-12 keys with remnant ? what is the point on removing november mention item at october theif bns inside game where u mention it i just want to know that it only mention on dragon express is november
  12. i want armory remnant it mention on november why it have been removed earlier
  13. anther critical question why is scarlet and pvp remanet is their while removing only fishing renament make no sense and the event tab still showing for september many people got confused with it which is the most time consuming and hard for potato pc player
  14. everyone know somepeople dont have good pc so they play in 32bit @ImoutoMaster i understand what u saying but still people busy in works and real life then they have another issue with game weekly raids and daily quest which consume most of time while have multiple character they have hard time to fish a long duration while facing crash make it more hard i suppose bns should bring armor remanent exchange with other renament or bring it back for small duration to help many people who have low profile potato pc
  15. broke class fm should nerfed really bns boosted fm alot cause their devs personally play fm
  16. they banned many good player permanently in pvp sector that why many pvp player missing quening soon die also u aware the pvp is intensive and sensitive match all blame goes to high gear player when he get depress but seeing pve player and pve player bait them to ban him they ban main account then people create account endless cycle and bns moderator enjoy this? i request bns from all people hopes stop banning perma in pvp sector u aware the system itself too broken why blame player
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