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Everything posted by qqqq1

  1. Battleground n arena throws ssc and moonstonee crystals like no tomorrow ..but what throws elysian nothing elysian are rng based everyhting else is a grantees from any box
  2. So now I have o farm elysian crystals for breakthrough and for jewels it self .. how can anyone survive in this game without spending money...it's no the first they ruin things and then add a bunch of elysian to trove to give reason to trove .. I remember when they made jewel and element so exp ppl had to trove it ...because trove didn't have anything good .... Not even 5 basin pouch is a sure elysian .... I find my self buying elysian orb before patch and now this is another reason to buy thank you blade and soul
  3. 1 basin pouch is not granted for elysian crystals ... Badge fusion cost over 100. Leg accs cost another 30 35 per breakthrough Weapon uses them Heart Talisment They always neglect some mats and I end up with 2k of them and over use the rare ones Idk y I have 3k ss crystals and 2k moonstone crystals And no elysian crystals. . I mean if they wanted to nerf the cost y not reduce the amount of gold and leave as is ss and sacred crystals are so easy to get ... It cost 1 u say so if am trying to break through my accs I need 60 or more wow those who things add up ... Every patch this game pushes me to stop upgrading everything and wait until it's free ...
  4. Literally 90 percent of upgrade contains elysian crystals and substituting something such as sacred crystals that's more accessible for elysian crystal that's slightly more rare in drop chest ....to do leg jewel and leg elements is sad ...... soul stone crystals on soul stone crystals everyone should have a easy pot of these as its the easiest drop to get ...... heart soul talisman badge fusion uses a lot idk after patch how it's looking but it's grim ..most of the changes are for whales with. Actual money
  5. Gunslingers are literally the weakest pvp class. The class it self is literally a backseat class.... I want to find the logic in this ... A range class with a cd block, no projectile resist ,an escape that has a cast time and can be cancelled why is it they don't have healing skills I mean 5 percent from dark shot is me considering all classes have healing in main skills ...but where's the hp recovery from our shield like how are we suppose to heal ..while desto healing 30 percent hp in 1 Shield phase....summoner heal sf heal wl heal from shieldx3 time distortion and sanctum. .kfm pull,fm veil and armor ,warden heal spam, bd shield but why gunners don't have any ...gunners have no neutral game ... Let's say fight start u have like 2hooks for 18 sec within 5 sec those 2 hook gone that hooking skill is not guaranteed. . U left in open .. like all gunner do now is whip line to one side poor thing gotta spam reload for any hooks he can get ... otherwise he's dead meat . Our block doesn't stun so we literally a dps sponge cake to spam at... U can't kill a spin class. . What amount of damage can u do I'm your 5sec I frame Every other aclass just block and hold f to roll and if he can't tech chase gg
  6. Pull and petrified for 1.5 sec ,.5 sec later pulls again . Reason I love this game so much ..how smart to give instant sec cd stun that can't be Tab and literally everywhere...... Like what's the point have a lot in cc skill when yall out her throwing them out.....I love getting spam pull literally every match on top of all the turn off with op Plat people in here yall gotta make it more cancer. ..... that power up should have 15 -18 sec cd .......... I literally got pulled 5 times in a row ....1 pull after another Yall got 1 thing to safe this game 1 thing and yall gotta messed it up... Literally everyone I talk to hates battle royal and it's in general ... Why they say those op power ups .. why not give a power up that kill u instantly o wait u already have ...... Yall rip the PvP fun out of everything Worst battle royal experience is with this game .
  7. since mt ....i started to experience this weird bug , everytime someone aerials me the second part to their aerial bugs my char..... this has happen to me with kfm bm bd match ups .... when ever they do an aerial on me ...at the last animation my char floats in the air in a lag state for a good 4 seconds ...just spining in air then i find my self on ground getting comboed..... ...my char isnt lagging the whole fight my ping is stable when i go in air thats when the bug starts at the last animation coming to the drop down my char doesnt drop ..on my side that is am force to fear the worst whats nto come next when i come out bug .... what ill do is do a system restore and revertverything from last week and re download the update . and no am not using bns buddy ....
  8. The whole game. pvp doesn't make any sense ....dp.s is out the roof unity stone makes no sense and dungeons is all about 200 runs for this
  9. and tbh that gunner tab esc reset with the long cast time is the smartiest idea for a fast moving class that depends on nothing but hook to stay alive otherwise its sitting duck ... u literally have to iframe to use your esc reset and if u get cc while doing it u dont get reset and have to start process all over.. u cannot kill any of the following summoner just sapm bees , your iframe gone in 1 sec and taking pve damage bm warden kfm..... just hold block and hit f to roll the daze if gunner misses tech chase nothing else he can do. sin and sf is the only class we have a decent time with as we can bea them with mobilty and damage and even then if we mess up game over bd or destroyer ... u cant pve them as of parry spin , even destro with 500 percent def while spinning parry what damage can u get off in a 5 sec iframe ..... everything else is down to pitch perfect timing to stun or use your esc to bati out a roll tech chase .... i made gold last season and i had it before awaken patch i was like the 99 gunner at 1600 .... its really sad i fear the survival of this class when archer comes out by then we should have nothing .... the class that racked in the most dough and yall treating them like this ... -___-
  10. look at this people were like gs bullet storm op 1 shot a whole team nerf it , yes which is true now fm can asteroid a whole team like ....????????? wheres the logic yall going backward. we made things easier for classes no more skills mixed up on 1 key ..... now a lot of class got skills on skills .... gs needed guard break and a second tab .....they gave them it .... then take it away ?????????????????? put this whole bunch of damage on a build nobody uses unless they ping carried. they took away alot of fun aspect of bm ... now bm is like a block holding class waiting and depending on nothing but 1 skill ....flash step i mean balancing of this game cant be perfect but at least ..... they did nerf some classes but now this game is more unbalanced and broken as possible whole reason they delayed it and am not surprised by it .. tbh pvp is the only thing keeping me going rn if i didnt have a warden ,kkm as alt to atleast enjoy some pvp then idk where and what game i be at .
  11. first of all so many class literally got stepped on this patch first of all gunslinger ..... i mean this class is literally the only class that has gotten nothing but nerf since release every patch straight up to awakening ....i thoought may be the new skill changes were gonna fix this class but noo nothing has change if any of u try pvp on A GS u will know the sturggles .... gunner is the only class since awakening that literally needs a big brain toi even get close to gold and a fat ping . they nerf everything about fire gunner our rmb damage nerf our 4 skill nerf how i know this before patch my rmb on a daze target(open world) bracelet and everything is like 40k now its literally 28 k my 4 skill does like 16 - something damage with rmb buff from talent ... and 5 point in rmb ... i went arena and tried pvp the damage reduction is literally there u can see it i mean why they even add a cast time to alpha call ...i get cc literally everytime and dont get effect ...... now this game forcing us to use shadow the only build for ping carried ........ what am sorry about the most is the fact after i invested soooo much time and effort into my gear, and having my class stepped on to the point where incinerators 6 doesnt matter any more is that i cant send it over to a class that really needs it. i hate how this game let us lvl our chars up and trashing them just for us to switch and repeat reason i dont spend money . i mean some classes in this game literally so op u wondering what in the world ppl thinking about adding that skill. fm what is force master doing with asteroid .... ppl complain about gunner 1 shot now fm 30 plus miles away from u and slap whole team into space 3/4 hp why is this necessary. wall bang idc about what korea does or do yall needm to makle it so we can tab esc a wall bang its so fun and a good experiece to get instant grab thrown to wall and they start the process of homework bm bm is so boring now and not even fun yea they got 2 esc woo oo no cc skills and just spam block q e and kd nothing special kfm alot of ppl say kfm is boring it might be op but kfm is so boring now wl. idk what wls suppose to be in this game ....just a weird class for pvp destrroyer literally nothing can kill this class in bg and just red spin whole entire match ... and spam op shield every 12 sec . warden got nerf but is it really a nerf ????? same amount of iframe, still tank 1 whole team and block literally 3/4 of all class lose guard break gg and still slap like 800k so i heard from 1 server in bg wow sin still op nothing diff summoner still brain dead so i ask what is the point in all this , balancing of the game is out the doors and no turning back ... even when archer comes out i dont wanna even be here when that happens ..hopefiully by then .... i just wish we could give other characters certain stuff and stop this whale this character then whale that character stuff...feel like am moving back wards i literally stop lvling everyhting overall the dps gap of this game is so broken u literally dont need a pty to do a thing now ...so i ask whats the point now? i know korea do everything but whats the aim of this game
  12. They are weak but fm has alot of big damage skills that u don't have to even use projectile to get a kill
  13. Sis we all love getting a 3/4 hp drop from a fm asteroid I remember this fm stood a mile away from base and cc the whole team leaving us vulnerable for that duration of the knock back and at a disadvantage no brain required for a skill we all can't see... and tbh fm survive longer compared to most.range classes ....having veil and the wide area of it along with alot of stall ...fm has an op large surface area skill multiple blaze that we'll all love ... getting pulled and taking big damage ... even in 1vs 1 I got 100-0 by a fm with my tab escape still up
  14. to start things off when awaken dropped and I wrote a post about how my gs damage is literally gARBAGE after awaken ...... I have incinerator 6 , 5 k piercing and 6k critical 4 pvp accs like 3 of them max max bt earring .... and I was like wheres the damage ? I have destruction spec my talent is spec for more rmb damage ....... I was in beluga and was spaming rmb on ppl and saw a flat 4 k and am like whatttt????????????????? this bm got aerial and I was spaming rmb on him and hp barely moved ....so I was upset and went training room to really test something ...... when I got there my tombstone cool down is 1. 30 even with 3 vt ss my bracelet wont proc when I use carpet bomb .... I realise this when I daze the dummy and spam rmb thewn daze him again and spam rmb with activating v .....its the same damage and am like whaaaaaa....... I check if I had on right bracelet and I did ........... when I hover over my skills they are not showing in green that bracelet gives extra damage like it use to... even when its low gear people its taking a whole lot of spam to kill one person .. I did a aerial and spa unload at someone is hp drop to 60 like how is that possible my unloads didn't even move her hp I kn ow u have talisment etc but I know my damage and I know how to gear for pvp even 5 point in quick shot and its saying 12 k to something damage . my character is lvl 60 ... everything is correct but something is really wrong and idk its really ticking me off ...cause before patch I know what was my rmb damage on a daze person and even if they did nerf it the damage on a non daze and daze person shouldn't be the same and my bracelet isn't procing at all . my wl skill that pull stun (singulatary aor whats it name ) isnt working ...I try it on mobs didn't work , went triaing room it worked went arena not working ...... I hold 1 and then v should pop up it isn't working :( yall should really check your skills and make sure your characters aren't bugged ....
  15. Yes....not a few min but close to an hour or so ..if u hear a wired buzzing sound ...you can try this Right click power icon I use laptop idk about you Go to power plan advance tab ... Processor power management Maximum processor state Reduce to 80 percent down from 100 . That solve some of my crashing prob but only if am on bns for like long hours Game crash solver I sometime have game crash on me when in intense fight ...what I did was update graphic driver or re install it ... I also keep a system restore point when pc is functioning properly so if I start getting any error I revert back to that state . But that's what I do ...not sure if it will work for you
  16. I swear I been dcimg alot lately and when I re enter account already logged in ..it's literally the norm now ..can we always spawn on log in with full hp bar and not dead ..I mean I sometime not go bg from heavens reach but like it's annoying getting account already logfed in when bns not even running
  17. Event outfits has all the right to be in the chest it's not good for business to give free if it's a store outfit .... only if it's a scare outfit from may back... That's all the reason to give free because we were lazy or may be people missed the event or event offer something much more valuable than outfit ..... All I know I don't Wana see those ugly outfits in cheSt stage 10 ..I mean if they can't give a new outfit I understand but Midnight action hero / sunrise /remix /studios Those are some really cool outfits Sunrise been so scarce I don't f5 even have it ...u gotta be here like from 2016 early 2017 to have it
  18. The studios one too... the first aniversry outfit what's it name again the blue with small cape ..u get the point ...... Midnight action hero Sunrise bound account one lol I mean u can't go wrong with those Those are pretty decent I really hope we can get sunrise lol
  19. Tbh event isn't bad ... I can get debuff gems And some more critical damage ones Oct a gem give away is a steal tbh ... we will get octa when more tier gems out ... BTW it's easy to get enough heptas to go octa
  20. Ikr REMIX PLZZZZ looks so cool ..I didn't get a chance to grab it
  21. Step right up ladies and gents lol Add some re coloured red mask to arena merchants such as purple blue pink etc.... purchase able with arena outfit tickets ..... Add event tokens to arena quest ..for instance which ever is a daily u add 1 single event token by adding 1 alone people will participate in these aspects of the game ...it's skill changes time and we need people to pvp ... Th is is the perfect opportunity for newcomers to understand how queuing for tag match works and feel out this aspect of the game ...or just throw it in tag match daily only ...some peeps might wanna save they gold Lol Can we get some colourful thralls going ...we have cat customizing we need some red thrall blue and green.
  22. Remix is a good outfit not much people have it as farming that yeti event was pretty boring ..and I hardly see people in it .... That outfit in character making screen the one with the hoody on Jin females ...that looks nice ... even the Lyn outfit in character editing screen ...... Anything early game would be nice not the seasonal event outfits but anything than those that u have up now ... It was like eeeeeew
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