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Posts posted by CastielSeven

  1. 44 minutes ago, Amarathiel said:

    Honestly, getting a decent good soul (aka awakened cosmic stage 1 or so) does not take long with the amount you can get from events. And if you really want one, store sells a cosmic soul stage 1 basically. It's 1 time per account but still. Point is, having max soul is a luxury, NOT a necessity for anything other than showing off your 2-3 million dps that is not a must to clear dungeons/raids anywhere. Devs do not want every single player to have max soul in 4 months or so as that would break the very meaning of this game.


    Reason why you need so many oils is simple: They are the BEST items in the game that give insane stat boosts, obviously it makes sense that this kind of items need to be extremely time consuming to get if you do not want to "whale" it. In my opinion people having this mindset of "I want max gear before next patch" is the reason why players are leaving the game. That's not how mmo games work and that's not how it should ever work, period. Go about with the upgarding on your own pace, you cannot always expect the game to just come to your level and make things easier if you cannot farm that much or have lots of work or whatever of the sort.


    There could be more ways to get items such as evolved stones, hongmoon powders etc. for sure, I agree on that. Otherwise, everything is good as it is right now.

    Yes events are a benefit when you have 7 toons and can get those upgrades easily but only on one toon. It leaves my alts stuck with the soul earned through events while my main goes for the high tiers.  Out of everything in the game, the soul upgrade system is actually the most tedious. More so than the weapons because of how many oils they take and how costly oils really are.   (last i checked its around 200g - 300g depending on the server.) Thats close to 28k gold to upgrade to full tier. 


    Im actually hoping we dont get another upgrade beyond true tiger/true dragon for atleast 1 more year.  Otherwise it also feels like a carrot on a stick. 


    Most of my alts are stuck at Ascending soul because it takes 10 oils to get true ascending. (Which is basically 2k gold for new players who struggle earning gold in the first place.)  I do hope we get another soul event but this time for true ascending instead of just ascending. Its the only way I see my alts getting past that bridge.

    Just my two cents.  


  2. 6 hours ago, wefhqweig said:

    Previously, simple mode could not be used in PvP without BnSBuddy, this was just changed the maintenance before last, if not the last one, so that's why he accused you, he might not have known yet. But still, people will get mad for it regardless, it benefits some classes more than others and the flow it has from one skill to the next beyond what a player can do on their own, so if it helps you more than them, you can't honestly argue that it's fair just because it's usable. They have reason to be upset, but it is partly misdirected, they should be aiming at NCSoft for allowing it in arena when PvP is supposed to be skill based on what a player can do, not macros or any form of auto play.

    Can you link to the patchnotes?  I did not know that either, and would explain alot on why simple mode makes it easier to pull off combos on a few classes.  But you also have a point that it only benefits certain classes.  Simple mode for my SF (for example) isnt exactly viable and she performs better through ani cancelling rather than simple mode. 


    On my FM i can pull off a semi ani cancel with simple mode. But I mostly use simple mode on my fm for the spells i rarely use in pvp. I dont just RMB the entire fight. I have to iframe, press tab, while holding down 2 with my middle finger. My right hand spams both RMB and LMB. The RMB just happens to have simple mode activated so it also casts the spells i dont normally cast.I have pulled off insane damage this way on my fm alone.  


    I guess you do have a point. Though most of my rant goes for false accusations and the people attacking me for using simple mode.  Here is a pvp video i made with my FM.  The dislikes shows people's distaste towards simple mode. I dont blame them for feeling the way they do. However, attacking me because of simple mode isn't right either.  Im just trying to enjoy the game and have fun while trying to make friends. 


    But personal attacks is a huge turn off. But again I do understand many points of views here.




  3. 43 minutes ago, wefhqweig said:

    Personally, I don't really care one way or another, so don't bother arguing with me, I won't reply to that. But, to explain how the person you beat views it... simple mode is cheap, just because the game has it, doesn't make it fair. He feels PvP should be about skill and rank should reflect your skill level, knowing how to play your class well enough and outperforming your opponent earns you a higher rank. Simple mode, while allowed, defeats some of the purpose(not all, just some) of playing your class efficiently because it does some things for you, and it does them well for some classes, leaving less that you have to do on your own. Now again, I'm emphasizing the some, because you said yourself, simple mode won't earn someone gold or platinum, but he finds it unfair at any rank because the player isn't using his own ability for everything.
    Also, you said you did no such thing, but you also said holding RMB down in simple mode, so were you using simple mode or not? 

    "So being good at anything = cheating." where is that coming from? 

    I understand what you mean.  I used simple mode yes. But the guy accused me of using something called bns buddy. Which irritated me because i only use what the developers allows us to use ingame. (My post was kinda two rants in one. Sorry for the confusion. One rant was for the accuser and the other was for those hating on me cause i use simple mode. I lost count how many name calling i received when I made a pvp video awhile back. Its a game, and fighting over something like simple mode is really pointless.


  4. Simple mode is not bnsbuddy.  Was accused earlier for using bns buddy all because I 4 shotted a summoner. Dying breath + Blue buff + holding RMB down in simple mode.


    The summoner which I wont say his name due to terms of service said he would send a ticket in. This irritated me because I did no such thing. And i hate being accused of something I did not do.  I actually thought the dying breath combo was pretty cool. But instead of being congratulated for a wellplayed move. I got accusations instead.


    This is my first rant.


    Second rant goes to those who get angry at those using simple mode. If its in the game it can be used. The Developers put it there and allows us to use it.  Just because you dont use it doesnt mean other players cant.  I dont understand why the argument. Simple mode wont get you gold or platinum, and most of the gold and plat are actually well versed with ani cancelling which is far superior than simple mode.  


    Got many dislikes for one of my videos because i was using simple mode in pvp.  And it seems the same people are now trying to discourage people from using it through accusations. Its not right. 


    So being good at anything = cheating. The community is becoming more toxic by the day. but what is your personal thoughts on simple mode in 1v1 and explain why in a civilized manner.  (Please keep it civil.)  But I after being in a foul mood the past hour i felt like finally sparking this debate.


  5. Like I said previously. The Moml is for kaari only. The first boss is free for all. I join moml groups when it is not advertised as both bosses. I usually ignore the two bosses momls. The way it has been for 2 years is Moml for the boss that you summon. I care not if the shards cost gold. You wont get both bosses and i care not if you leave.  


    Personally I dont really need the gem loot there neither on my main or alts and will always pass on those anyways, but its the  feather that people NEED to upgrade their stones (Which is another horrible system that doesn't make sense.)


     Sometimes I am short 1 feather for that one Ascension stone and i bid on the feather dropped from mane to buy the stone.  And if someone in party needs second boss i help them out to get their loot from that.  But the way it has ALWAYS been is first boss = free for all. second boss = the moml holder.


    And that is final, and I am sure I am not alone.  People are bidding on momls because there is an internal war going on ingame when it comes to both bosses.  Its not about toxicity. Its about what is and has always been the rule. 


    This whole issue could be fixed if the orb requirement was removed.   It was bad then and it is still bad now.  Plus the queues would be much much faster if its removed. 

  6. 3 hours ago, CherryHood said:

    If I say MOML and people still bid on boss 1 it gives me no confidence that I will get my loot on boss 2. So its a trust thing for me if you cant leave the loot alone on boss 1 how can I trust that my loot will be left to me on boss 2? Its a risk to use the Orb in a party if you have no demonstrated evidence that people can leave the loot be.

    Boss 1 is Free for all. People will and STILL have a right to bid on the first boss whether you like it or not. You did not summon the first boss. And it took GROUP effort to burn down the bosses HP. Stop being greedy. Your loot comes from what YOU summon with the orb. 

    • Like 2
  7. On 3/30/2019 at 4:16 PM, Crickateer said:

    Its because it IS a standard.

    Before Patch the standard was Kaari= Loot for orb holder. It was done out of courtesy. not obligation.  Mane has always been free for all. This is the truth no matter how many times and words you use to try and twist it. I am a veteran in this game and I know this to be so. You wont change my mind. I will continue to roll on manes loot like i have been for the past several years and pass only on Kaari. 


    Have a good day. And stop trying to change tradition.

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/19/2019 at 10:28 PM, Enigmatic Reaper said:

    It's actually more widely accepted that orb user only gets Kaari loot.  I rarely ever run in to someone who expects Frostmane's loot on top of Kaari's for their orb.  I'd say maybe 1 in 10 runs the person wants both?  Pretty sure the only ppl spouting that it's "widely accepted" that orb user gets both belong to the minority who expect to get both out of greed.

    This has been the rule since Cold Storage launched. You only get the loot for the boss you summon. Had a guy wanting to report me because i rolled on a feather on mane.  Took me by surprise that he was crying that it was his loot when it was not.  His loot was on the Kaari boss. Aside from that I did 80% of the dps in the dungeon. Next time I think I may just solo it.


    But seriously,  the orb you use is for Kaari and that is the loot people get for their orb. Not the free boss Mane.

  9. 17 hours ago, Madscream said:

    Is it rly worth to trove with keys bought for gold in F10? on EU 49 hm coins = 36 gold. You need alot of luck to get something worth to buy from trove this way unless you exclude key price.

    Sorry I meant f9.  And to be honest, i cannot answer that question because i just do it knowing that there are risks. Sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't.  It really depends.  But the risks of getting nothing and losing all that gold is still present.



  10. 23 hours ago, Grimoir said:



    it has some extra options now and a streaming feature.

    Ok, im still using the old version then. Can you give me a step by step on getting the new one? Sorry if i ask for too much.  


    Edit: On second thought Ill keep using the old one till the new one is fixed or mandatory...


    Reading some of these posts were cringy.

  11. 1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

    Make sure you refresh your browser cache like they said on twitter else you will still get the old launcher. For firefox refresh the download page with CRTL+F5

    What does the new ;launcher look like? I didnt download anything from any website and i logged ingame just fine?


    The launcher did update by itself though and tried to get me to download something. I just clicked X and re-launched the launcher and it downloaded an update and now im ...at the character selection screen...

  12. 2 hours ago, Centhron said:

    Yeee, ue4 coming soon! And new class!! Better start stacking up mats to feed the whales :inlove: (though you never know when your fat stacks of mats will turn into a total of 70 silver ... :giggle: )

    Will  that engine relieve some of the stress on my computer or should i worry and upgrade my specs?  Game is heavy enough on my machine and i already burned down one graphic card.  (Costed 300 bucks to replace it.)  Im currently running with 2gb GDer5 EVGA  geforce GTX 1050



  13. You  had your moments. Now your reign of terror is ending.  It was a long time coming. Be grateful you still have your cats.

    All jokes aside. Yea  summoners feel...weak now when i face them in 1v1. But I would  be lying if I said i wasn't smiling.

  14. On 2/1/2018 at 9:33 AM, HateMe said:

    It sounds more like chains like you have in tera with the "spacebar" meaning:


    Press 1 and you use skill A, then you get a popup like with joint CC's where if you press "space" if will cast another skill.

    Thats why they say "esperienced players will not find much use for it", if it was an actual macro system they would target the experienced players and not the newbies.

    Im not sure if I like this idea. Least in world of warcraft,  it still took skill to know which to macro, and you were limited to 3 spells.  On my dk, I would combine skill buffs with Howling Blast + Defense buff. (Example)


    While there was a macro system in wow, it was limited and you still had to press over 9 buttons. 


    The problem I have in BNS though, is that while I can change the keys I press for the skills. The Icons remain in the same place and it becomes confusing.


    But im not sure if a macro system would work on BNS. (Now that I think about it.)

  15. 1 minute ago, PeacemakerOne said:

    Because it is an other typ of MMO. Live Action MMO where you can beat an opponent with your Macros is cheating. In world of Warcraft you have to many spells to use but in BnS you have combos. Some of the Macros kill you instant an cast more than a normal user can do.


    So macro using in BnS is cheating.

    Ah, I see. this does makes sense.   In this case, the mmo by blizzard, they did do one thing to prevent one shots. And it was by adding global cool downs.  Some skills could also not be used with others.  For example if there was an ability that empowered x ability.  Only these two buttons could be mashed together.  But it was not allowed to do with other abilities. 


    But you are right. There just was way too many spells / abilities in that game that macro was a must have to get anywhere. 


    Thanks for the clarification. Cheers


    Why is macroing in blade and soul frowned upon when it was allowed inside world of wacraft and many other mmos?  In fact,  blizzard created an interface to make it easier for players to create those macros, they even included icon editing for the new buttons. Macroing did not break PVP and it is still used in high end Arena tournaments today. Many games actually encourage the use of macros. But why has BNS  taken the "it's cheating" approach when it's been done over and over again?


    Not to mention Razer keyboards who has a razer software which mimicks world of warcrafts type of macro making to some extent.    Why not just allow all players to do it?  The reason why it did not break PVP is because blizzard thought ahead and made it available in game for all with the skill and mindset to do it. 

    Here is an example of that. Keep in mind, this is a paid subscription based game. If anyone would have outlawed macroing it should have been blizzard, but they did not.


    I'd like to suggest BNS to make an interface like this to allow everyone to do it. This way  they can ensure no third party software is used but their own. It worked for other mmos. why not?



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