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Posts posted by CastielSeven

  1. The weekly stays the same. (Do not touch the weekly challenge, its fine the way it is now)  What I am suggesting is to Add something similar to the daily challenge. 20g  seems reasonable for completing  each stage for a total of 60g earned for completing 7 daily quests. (+ the gold you already get now in the quests) could net you around 80+ gold daily.)  This will also draw players back into the game and make it playable again. 




    note: I only Photoshopped the 20G part to give an example

  2. This is precisely my rant as well.  I posted something similar here:

    Harder Dungeons for less Gold?  That does not sound rewarding. (For now im playing wow classic) and only doing an event on my kfm character for the badge. ) BNS would have been better off being subscription based. There is still time to save the game if the devs decide to get rid of pay to win and decided instead on a subscription.   If the game needs money to survive a subscription is a better system. Make all items easily attainable ingame because we know that certain items also sell in the HM store. This is whats killing the game. The more difficult it becomes to get geared the more frustrating the game becomes. Almost feels like a carrot on a stick.


  3. Any chance of nerfing the buffed mechanics on the lower dungeons? Its supposed to be easy mode.  Pre patch normal mode was easier than what those dungeons are at now.   It feels more like those "nerfs" were actually buffs.  And to add insult to injury those dungeons which were buffed  had their gold nerfed. 


    Another idea would be to replicate what you guys did with cold storage and heavens mandate with old content/dungeons. Buff them all and put the gold rewards per dungeon to be 10.  Recycling old dungeons was a very GOOD idea.  (id like to face poharan again, and relive the classic 45 nostalgia days)


    1. It would give players a chance to spend more time in the game.   Thats what actually generates the company money. The more time people spend inside the game the more the company earns. Its a win win here.


    2. It would give players more choices (and variety) to grab their resources from. it would make it possible for new players  to easily gear up /catch up.  While at the same time they spend more time in the game. But dont feel like chasing a carrot on a stick. (which is what the game feels like at endgame. Just when you are about to reach endgame gear, new gear shows up and the grind never ends.  It gets old after awhile which is why it is wise to wait a bit more before throwing out new content. Gives players a chance to catch up and sit on endgame gear for a few months.  )


    What Devs needs to take into account is the TIME people spend inside a game.   If you make it longer per dungeon with lower rewards;  people will get tired and move on to the next big thing.  People have lives outside of the game and dont have the time to play 12 hours a day.  The game forces you to play on alts in order to progress. 45-60 minutes per alts;  thats alot of time when we have other things to do irl, and not to mention: sitting around all day can give you health problems. (I recently been having an Edema problem, which is the result of too much time on the computer.  An edema can cause heart failure for those who do not know. Real life issues like these forces one to leave the game entirely and focus on physical activities or resting your feet.)


    Its my 5 cents and also my genuine concerns. I love this game, and no other game can compare to the combat system of it.  But the more difficult it becomes to progress and the more time it takes to progress.  Eventually it all leads to a burn out.  


    Im glad some things are getting reverted back to what it was pre patch. But not everything is reverted back, and thats a problem still for new players.  



    NC west does NOT have to follow the format of korea.  NC West can do their own thing.  Im sure you guys can cook up new things as well.  


    Have a good one Cyan, and thanks for the updates.

    • Like 2
  4. 18 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    You know, you could have waited a bit after the maintenance is done and check, because they stated in patch notes and on the stream that there are optimizations coming with todays patch o.o might be that most of your issues will be fixed o.o

    My bad, yea mushins tower is alot  better now.  BM feels better as well and less laggy.  Though it still has some fps problems but its more tolerable now.

    • Like 1
  5. Alot of us have been having major problems since the last patch performance wise.  I get alot of screen tearing and micro freezes.  before the patch this wasnt a problem, but after they added BM and KFM third specs, the perfomance of the game dropped dramatically.  Is there any plans to fix performance issues?


    Kerropi goes a bit deeper into this topic:

    [B&S] Blade and Soul Performance Issues



  6. On 7/7/2019 at 2:00 AM, sojaa said:

    Wanna become a believer? i seen it wipe a whole party of incinerators


    really? Im gonna have to try that on my sf with aransu 3.  cause last I checked i did poorly on my sf. 

  7. On 7/4/2019 at 11:14 PM, Adjest Kingscrown said:

    i blundered 2 days ago and had to tweak my client.exe from the bns game folder....go to the bin folder of the version u r playing....bin64 for 64 bit.....then right click client.exe and go to properties....then do the following 2 images here............trust me......it works.....ALT+ENTER makes the game go true full screen as we usually play in a borderless window mode which is named fullscreen in settings....

    tick the disable full screen optimization in the compatibility tab, and then go to change High DPI settings and untick override high dpi settings




    Yes!!!  this somewhat fixed it for me. Its now back to how i was playing it.   Its somewhat blurry again but the fps has increased.  Thanks alot man!

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, lPhantomX said:

    Go to display settings and see if the scale is at 100% or 125%.

    its currently at 250%. Previously I played it at 225%. I increased it slightly to see if it would make it bigger. I play on a 55 Inch big screen t.v with hdmi cable on an asus custom made gaming desktop.   It used to be that when I scaled it in display settings it would look slightly blurry but still playable and the fps would be around 100 sometimes at 120.  However now everything is actually looking super clear, less blurry, but with 30 fps and when I launch the game while the game loads, the bns icon (as you see in the screenshot in the OP) is smaller along with a few other things.  It should be the size of the red circle (Which i highlighted with ms paint). Been trying to fix  this for quite a few hours also messing with the dpi settings. No luck so far ><


    Even the word "Skip" during  ingame cinema is extremely small.  Whatever i accidentally did must have scaled down the game app alone. 

  9. 47 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    Did you maybe change accidently your desktops resolution? I mean your PC and not in game? I mean its really hard to tell what you did, but if the launcher / splash screen are smaller than what they were it seems like resolution on your PC.

    Its possible... All I know is that it all happened while i was inside the game, i pressed something on the keyboard and all of a sudden everything was stretched and magnified. Then i shut down the game and restarted the pc to try and fix the problem. But everything was different and my fps dropped dramatically. When I launched the game the launcher was smaller than normal.  I will also note that some icons on the desktop (Outside the game)  also appeared smaller than normal as well.  



    ugh, trying to fix it made everything even worse. Now im getting 14fps max ><

  10. I don't know what I did. I wasnt paying attention while ingame but somehow i accidentally hit a short cut while I was ingame  and changed the game size. I used to have 100fps but now i have between 30-50fps.   I  restarted the computer to try and fix it; but the fps and even launcher was different,  

    Example, now when im launching the game  it appears smaller. Previously it would be the size of the red circle.  (See screenshot below) . Before the change the game was slightly blurry but it was a tradeoff to obtain 100 fps now the fps dropped from 100 to around 30-50.   




    Please help...  trying so hard to get it back to how it used to be.   

  11. IMO  the game would have been better if it was subscription based.  The game would have been more fun, because items in game wouldnt be an issue because they would have been easier to get. Let's take WOW for example,  (back when it was great)  it was subscription based but you could easily get geared to decent end game raiding levels because items weren't  a pain to grab. I would do some dailies and spend the rest of the day having fun doing other things.


    In BNS however; Nowadays you need up to 5 -10 toons just to try and catch up and it can take months where in wow (a subscription based game) you could have geared up in a matter of weeks at your own pace.  When I first began playing bns several years ago, this wasnt an issue though. the grind was less and I had fun doing other things in game.  The endless grind just feels like a carrot on a stick.  Almost reached that end game soul? Too bad, here is another tier of soul to upgrade and it will take you a years or two to get it.  Personally as a gamer it has left me rather burnt out and questioning whether or not to continue playing.  


    I did invest in trove next week but aside from trove, I may take a minor break after the current event.  


    You are correct, there is just too much to upgrade at this point and instead of the game being fun, its becoming a stressful repetitive grind. Another weapon upgrade just kills it for me to be honest and im at aransu 9 and been stuck at A9 for awhile now. 



    But now soon there will be yet ANOTHER tier above GC. Its so frustrating because no matter what I do, I can't catch up. And I have 7 toons! 


    I think NC needed to pause atleast 1 year more before throwing the next content so people could catch up without p2w.  But sadly this is what happens with non subscription based games.   


    I dont know what else to say, but this is simply how I feel. I am sure many others feel the same way.



  12. On 6/5/2019 at 12:42 PM, Grimoir said:

    well the new bracelet will be for everybody , and you will be able to choose lol. raid accs can just be swapped over


    damn didnt read this before. Got a fresh earing from bt the other day now sitting on my bms mail lol. Bracelet i already had an extra stage 6.  hopefully i should be fine.  Plan on playing both fire and spirit.

  13. 2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    if i remember good, for bracelet there will be a new 3rd spec bracelet to farm. Raid accessories should be able to be swapped over

    Sigh, there goes my dream...

    UGh another BT earing to farm *Sigh*.  And no im got giving up my current fire earing. May as well level up a second spec accessories... 

    still plan on staying fire as a main spec.

  14. I am wondering this as well. Though a better option would be for it to use any of the two bracelets and accessories.  basically keep the accessories we already have for both specs. Adding a third accessory just doesn't sit well for me.  


    I wanna try out the third spec on my BM but I also dont wish to give up on fire completely either. 

  15. I can barely get through doing it once a day per toon.  Cant imagine why anyone would want to farm that just for the pots. Not worth the time imo when that time can be spent doing purple trains for more valueble materials.  So its kinda pointless to lock it to 1 run per day. Still a quest giver would be nice to remind myself to grab the quest. 

  16. Yall are missing the larger picture here. You guys been criticizing the whales for so long, when they are actually the ones getting screwed over. Its the price you pay for being lazy since most things can be found in game with exception of a few things.


    If someone is willing to spend 10 bucks for something you can create in 10 minutes or maybe a few hours depending on the time it takes. Then let them. F2P are actually in a decent place and i say this as someone who has 7 toons. Before patch I earned about 50-70g on my main and sometimes 5-15 gold on alts just doing daily challenges. Now I get about 60-80 gold on my main and 30-40gold doing daily challenges + HM and CS and possibly outlaw island on alts. ( Though I focus mostly on HM  just daily challenges. not even counting the matts you can sell in marketplace and just save gold by doing certain soul events. Thou I do agree the soul upgrade system has to halt for awhile at true tiger/dragon. ) Slightly reducing their gold cost or numbers per upgrade would help. 


    (Still think its nuts that you need 10 vials to get from ascending soul to true ascending soul.) Makes upgrading this on alts less desirable and just wait or hope for a better soul event cause ascending soul is technically old content compared the coming new content)


    If rich people want to pay money for things easily earned in game let them. Its their money.


    But those who are f2p can easily gear up.


    Btw with regards to this quote:



    200-300 [Sacred Vials]

    I think you mean 200-300 Gold PER vial.  Just assuming you got your info from a certain post.

  17. 13 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Personally....adding simple mode to the game was one of the worst things they did.

    When you have seven toons. Its actually the best thing they did, especially while doing daily challenges on them.  (Which I am currently feeling quite burnt out on and may take a break from the game to recover some energy. I didnt even bother getting the sacred vials i could have by doing the latest event. )



  18. 36 minutes ago, RavTH said:

    eeh simple mode doesn't reflect any differences in pvp, you could win or lose no matter what, that summoners reactions were just slow, because you said you used bb and hold rmb so that means you were in stealth or out of stealth depending if you got hit and then what they did was just stand still for you to let rmb him?

    If you but it that way then he gave up or couldn't understand how to pvp with his class.

    can I see the video it might be cause of pveing that you got disliked for rather than using simple mode.

    The video is posted above when I played with simple mode.  I know it was simple mode cause i deleted comments in the video pointing to it.  The idea of the video was mostly to demontrate the Forcemasters ability of Asteroid which was the real focus on the video. But people focused on the simple mode activated icon instead and began calling me labels because of it.


    Back to the topic with regards to my sin vs that summoner. I was losing the battle when I used this skill and got a high crit plus a 3 second daze effect. During that 3 seconds I hit my V (Blue Buff) and simply Pve'd that summoner with simple mode rmb.  Got a few high crits and he died.  


    I will also add that I play on a PC with 120fps with a 55 inch smart t.v screen.  (Cant wait for GOT tonight)



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