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Increased Gold Rewards. But where are they?


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You stated you're going to give us additional or more gold rewards to other content for the April patch and onwards
But what is the "other content" for this patch?

Do you mean Soul Arena?

Cause if that's in then it must be a joke and a half. Considering only the top 5% of players will get any sort of income from it. and the majority of the player base won't see a single gold from it. And you know what's going to happen to this gold that's gotten from Soul Arena by these whales? It's going to go straight down the garbage hole off RNG. It's NOT going to go into the Market. (As a side note, the Pysche's you get from Soul Arena is a joke considering you already get the exact same ones from Soul Boost)

Do you mean Celestial Basin?

Cause with the HP Buff and the ability to not really farm for key fragments or keys combined with the fact that the drop rate for the 1,000 gold makes it not even worth it to farm. And with the added benefit that you only get next to nothing in terms of farming Basin. Makes me feel like the only reason this got revamped was for the Devs to tell players "See we put a way for you to get more gold into the game, you just gotta farm it". 


So Far this patch hasn't fixed the gold issue with the game, nor provided gold rewards for the mass population.

They've found work arounds for it by adding in gold to Battle and Master Pass, but once's that's gone, we're still going to have a massive gold income issue like before.

There's been a Temp Fix for Only those in the top 20 of their class. But that gold's not going to go into the market like the dev's think it will. It's going to go all into RNG and be trashed.


Please add Actual ways to get more gold income for everyone, and not a Temp Fix and can be easily obtained by the mass majority of players that isn't heavily rng based.

And ignore the Market and economy of the game becoming inflated for a bit.


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