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Every Problem I Can Think of With Our Version of the Game

Radiant Neon

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Summary of a conversation I had last night with a friend, may as well post it here even though I may as well be guaranteed that none of it will ever be fixed or probably even considered beyond "looking into it." But hey, maybe I'm somehow wrong and at least one thing gets changed before people that haven't quit already do so.


- Majority of events are legit just do dailies. Our content is log in and do the same daily train or spam the same Demonsbane dungeon. No to barely any variety. Boring. 


- $100 USD class change for western region is a spit in player's faces. Was between 60 and 80 USD at the time of release in KR depending on conversion/fees which is already an exorbitant amount for what it does. Not that I really expected any different from a company that wants to charge $50 for a level boost.


- Gold income in NA/EU is horrible vs KR. Need same gold amounts for upgrades as them, but get less from dailies that they do and no Kaebi Village/ Daily Gold chest like they had. You guys put gold in as weekly Demonsbane reward, but unless you're at the very top it's an awful and frankly useless amount that you can barely do anything with. The distribution should have been far more spread or more generous at lower ranks as the players at the very top are the ones that need gold the least.


- We need up to 5 times the amount of Synthesis Stones as KR for the same upgrades on our Skystealer accessories and we barely receive any from rewards/events. Why?


- Gamebreaking bugs (unable to enter M'ao, ToI, PvP, etc) allowed to persist for WEEKS or MONTHS with very little or no communication regarding the progress in fixing them (PvP was silently fixed one week for example). ToI reward boxes and PvP anima as compensation. Nice. ToI tokens for the badges people get for free now from Soul Boost, and PvP anima for the gamemode that's now dead. Literally useless.


- Speaking of PvP, refusal to ban a certain speedhacker/multi client griefer (and others) that plagued NA/EU 6v6, on top of killing rewards (removing HMC and replacing the rewards with useless crap). Literally left gamemode to die. You guys are adding the frenzy buff to 6v6 for the like dozen people left that likely wintrade for weekly fusion stones. Not a single incentive to play PvP anymore.


- Remove HMC from PvP/ToI and put it in Demonsbane. Then nerf it super hard in Demonsbane. I get that people were ranking alts and raking in a lot of HMC, but it should have been cut down to top 200, not top 100 at worst, and HMC for higher ranks not touched.


- Our Heart was changed to use Sterling Scales only, just like Korea, except we still need PTS + Elder/Nocturnal/Shimmering scales, things that they don't need. Not only was it made at least 5 times more expensive (Vial vs Scale price) in one patch, but now we just have a straight up worse and more grindy version. Not to mention that Sterling Scales are always available in F10 in KR, but they have been long gone from our F10. Why? 


- Speaking of F10, outfits rotate in F10 less frequently now. They used to be bi-weekly rotation if I'm not mistaken. Why? Given how much the western region generally spends on cosmetics in games, I actually cannot understand this change. You guys plan to bring trove back. In somewhat recent memory, there was one trove that was giving players a pretty good amount of gold. And then you nerf it. The one time, recently, that trove was actually worth buying because you were practically guaranteed decent stuff (at least gold) and it gets nerfed. Do we not want people spending on keys or what? F10 items need to be made worth to actually purchase.


- Class imbalance. Why does the Dual Blade with less gear than me do five times my burst? Not a lot to say here. There's no classic "Tank/Healer/DPS holy trinity" in this game, so why is the damage difference between the top and bottom classes so drastic? I'd love to see how many people in our region reroll to Warlock and Gunner with class change.


- Lastly, I understand you guys are trying to be more clear about the patch notes and upcoming content, but respectfully, the patch notes are always incorrect or incomplete in some way. It's not just a recent thing, it's been an issue for a long time, but it is a bit sad when our most correct and reliable source of patch information seems to always come from community-run Discord servers that look at patches from other regions.

There's definitely plenty more that I didn't think of, didn't list, or don't consider high enough priority over what's already in this list and this is already pretty long. We always seem to get a worse and more grindy version of the game than Korea does (aside from their RNG upgrades, which BTW, we don't want).


Frankly, the Western version is in the worst state it's ever been. 

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4 hours ago, Radiant Neon said:

- Majority of events are legit just do dailies. Our content is log in and do the same daily train or spam the same Demonsbane dungeon. No to barely any variety. Boring. 


- Gold income in NA/EU is horrible vs KR. Need same gold amounts for upgrades as them, but get less from dailies that they do and no Kaebi Village/ Daily Gold chest like they had. You guys put gold in as weekly Demonsbane reward, but unless you're at the very top it's an awful and frankly useless amount that you can barely do anything with. The distribution should have been far more spread or more generous at lower ranks as the players at the very top are the ones that need gold the least.


These two are making the game extremely boring to play right now. Demonsbane is greatly lacking rewards vs challenge, if you can do floor 31 with ease there is no reason to do slower runs with wipes on 41 for example, because the more time and effort you spend on an upper floor is not worth the rewards. Demonsbane dungeons are only worth to get accessories from them and best way to get them is to spam a floor you can clear with ease, which makes the game very boring, and after you get all the accessories there is nothing worth to multi run them anymore, and there is nothing else worth to multi run in the game either.


Also when you have all the accessories, you need gold more than anything else to upgrade them and the only way to get gold is to do boring daily quests/trains that give tiny amount of gold compared to how much we need to upgrade stuff, if you want more gold, only option is to make alts and do the exact same boring quests over and over with multiple alts.


If you give up on upgrading accessories, then there is nothing else in the game that you can farm or grind for either, every systems' progress is limited by daily or weekly rewards or their gold to upgrade.

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I actually had a decent amount of stuff to do by ranking alts in Demonsbane, I ranked 14 alts with multiple grinded up into top 100 with stage 42+. Kept me fully busy for 2.5 weeks of grinding daily. 
Guess what? I'm not even gonna touch my alts with the removed hmc from Demonsbane. I even stopped doing soul boost on them since it'll be useless to play them anyways (someday we'll get the daily train gold reward eventually as well, but we already have a main rotation set, one main carries all the other alts resulting in 1 daily train in 12 minutes, so no need to even gear up alts).

My main problem with the game is, that there is literally no goal to grind for. Before you could grind and gear up for the next raid, to reach the min dps for the raid (and to make progressing the raid easier). But what do you grind for currently? To do the literally same dungeon again? Ye no thanks.

I honestly was glad when they removed a lot of the party buffs thinking they'd make it easier to build parties since you didn't need sb/td/ac/bb/astro anymore which filled 5 out of 6 party slots with buffs (17% decrease). But nope the next dungeon they release they decrease party size from 6 to 4 man (33% decrease). With how unbalanced the classes are an instant slap to the face, party composition is now more important than ever (and some non buff classes don't even have a decent breaker or even any break at all, like wtf?).

Give us some content we can grind for, grinding one dungeon to run the very same dungeon again feels unrewarding af and now alt gaming is fully dead (for me at least) as well, there is nothing to do ingame....

Edited by DieBaumchen
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