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Hi all - Returning player.


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Was just reminiscing about there not being good mmos now days... then I remembered I use to play this game back in beta, quit then started again in 2018 then quit again. But I'm gonna give it another shot. Hows the game. Im a noob only lvl 30. MY cute lil force master still seems semi fun. But super lost. lol


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10 hours ago, MikeyBoi said:

 Hows the game. Im a noob only lvl 30. MY cute lil force master still seems semi fun. But super lost. lol

In short:

1. Cheater invested with a company refusing to ban people.

2. Pay to win at this point cause there is gear unobtainable without $$$.

3. Class Balance has been thrown out around 2 years ago

4. might not be a contra cause i personally liked this but everyday you do the same stuff no change so same dungeon .....

5. PVP is dead due to missing support of developer

6. if you want to pvp anyway then you are forced to farm several months or years first to get decent pvp gear in pve.



1. Best combat system out there

2. Mechanics are optional to learn

3. Endgame gear can be earned quite fast (but not even close to max gear that needs around 30 years of playtime probably if nothing else would get released.)

4. You are not forced to PVP at all.

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For me:
- The game is full of hackers, speed, stamina, fly hacks and much more.
- The game has become a slot machine.
- Exaggerated RNG even in common matters.
- Ridiculous gold intake, the only way to get gold are dayly / weekly quests that you do in an hour, then you can turn off the game…
- The income ratio issuing gold, in order to get a solid gear you would have to farm for several years.
- PVP is dead and the rewards for PvP are ridiculous that even hackers don't protect it anymore.
- PvP matchmaking is a flawed rookie is built against endgame whales.

+ Super combat system.
+ EZ dungeon modes - no mechanics needed.
+ Demonsbane dungeons, where the emphasis on mechanics only increases with progress.
+ Most characters have beautiful boobs, so there is still something to look at.

Edited by darthBaal
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If you play it semi casually, its a really good game. If you want to hit the top 10% it will take a while or paying will help. 


There's currently soul boost happening once you finish the story (which gives you gear for start of end game so I suggest finishing that first)

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