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Koldrak's Lair need fixes and some suggestions


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Hello, I think the Soul Boost event is quite nice, however just like in certain previous events, it is needed if you want to progress, or at least progress faster in the event.

Inside the instance there is this ping-like sort of lag even though my ping is fine, and also if you want to do the instance in another character it takes a lot of time to go to the character menu and also to connect the character in the game, recently I did the instance with one character, and then my other character stayed in the character menu with the "Connecting.." message for about 8 minutes, after connecting the time to join Koldrak's Lair had already expired.

So my point is that this sort of lag that happens specifically at Koldrak's Lair, presumingly because of the amount of players connecting to the instance or something along those lines needs to be fixed.

I suggest that the time available to join the Koldrak's Lair instance should be expanded, from ten minutes to thirty minutes, I think it would be more convenient to players and it would put less stress on the instance. @Hime @nc stafff


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6 hours ago, DyoxEvo said:

other character stayed in the character menu with the "Connecting.." message for about 8 minutes, after connecting the time to join Koldrak's Lair had already expired.

So my point is that this sort of lag that happens specifically at Koldrak's Lair, presumingly because of the amount of players connecting to the instance or something along those lines needs to be fixed.


I saw this too.

It was horrible.


My guess is that they downgraded the servers on-the-fly, a while ago, and now the servers are struggling to keep up since there's a lot more activity after the update.


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