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Bring Soul Pass to NA/EU

El Salado

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I understand there are things more important to think about like... why you changed the rewards for Aerodrome for regions outside of Korea (KR got Mythic boxes for their rankings.)  or why we haven't gotten Keibi Village yet (good source of gold seeing that mythic items are a gold sync...) Or why we still haven't gotten the patch that fixes a lot of the problems that came out with UE4 (they got it within 2 days, we are months in.)

But honestly... Why not bring these things to NA/EU intact? Why do you feed us the scuffed tuna sandwich that sat on the shelf for a month??

Edited by El Salado
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There is a simple answer to this. 
Bcz NA/EU Don't have any staff. Everything is manged from KR. 
If a major bug happens, will na/eu have to wait for kr to fix it. Or send a patch (Can take long time if they even care at all) 
We still have bugs in the West version of bns that Kr fixed long time ago but ''forgot'' to fix on this side of the world. 

Also things like, season pass, soul pass, F10, and so on. Are also ''orders'' from KR. 
If kr finally says ''sure you can have season pass'' Then and only then will we get it. 
And the 2 people that still work here in NA will say ''oh ok, sir yes sir'' 
And continue to have no clue about the game whatsoever.

Thats why. 

Edited by 200IQ
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200IQ is correct. NCSoft in Korea (which virtually none of its employees speak English) is the sole authority over the game. No one who works for NCWest has any say whatsoever, they cannot alter or add any content of their own accord. So who knows when we'll actually get things, and I wouldn't be surprised if they announce in the near future the closure of our region.

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Our region sure is hanging on a thin thread thats for sure.
Never before have the population of this region been this bad. Not even back in 2018 when the game had a big dip of xx amount of people leaving. 
Yes yes people that play daily and think ''still many that play dude'' ye thats not my point. 
My point is the game keep losing players. And don't get any new players. And the new people that actually manage to try the game past the story, they leave right after they see how much they have to grind or pay real money to catch up to new content.

Yeah they can do old content but they will do it alone (In a multi player game) So its only natural for them to wanting to do the latest instead.
Where ''everyone'' else is. But doing that while way under powered and getting carried all the time suck out the fun in a game. 

Bns could be a much better and bigger game in Na/Eu if they only did their job and listen to the community. But that train have left a long time ago. 
All the ''old foxes'' Or whales or what you now want to call it are long gone. Or they sold their accounts and moved on. 

There is no return from that. And to think as a company people are so naive so they spend money on our regions version are actually very baffling.
And a bit of bad mentality to have as a company. I am not sure anymore if thats how they see it or if NcWest actually just have giving up completely on the game. 

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