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New player; Reached 60


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And now, I am at a bit of a loss. I was informed to knock out my orange quests, which I think would be best to do in the following order based on what the level requirements are:


  • Skybreak Spire
  • Temple of Elvium
  • Nightfall Sanctuary
  • Scarlet Conservatory
  • The Steelbreaker


Is that the best way? Also, are there any clans that are new player friendly? I understand based on what I've seen on Faction chat that knowing mechanics for fights is important, and that many players in the community seem to be, well, less than patient with new comers to the game in terms of teaching said mechanics. I have no problem watching videos on Youtube to learn, but it would be nice to be a part of a clan that wouldn't mind my being new. I would greatly appreciate it.

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb Suniva:

Is that the best way?

Yes this is the correct order but keep in mind only Skybreak Spire and Temple of Elvium can be done without any need for gear. If you are lucky you may also find a carry Nightfall Sanctuary but its unlikely.


Scarlet Conservatory expects you to have a constant DPS of like 2 Million. (I know its possible with less but people expect you do do that)

The Steelbreaker expects you to have 5 Million DPS alot of groups expect you to have even 8 Million which is basically near max Scarlet Conservatory gear.

vor 10 Stunden schrieb Suniva:

Also, are there any clans that are new player friendly?

There are but i cannot recommend you to join one. Thoose guilds are mostly super bad. I always recommend get 1 or 2 player experienced in the game and let them help you till you have atleast gear from Nightfall Sanctuary with 1.600AP. Or Max Temple of Elvium Gear.

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