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What does cold front do?


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Have to agree here just ignore everything till you are max level. You playstile will change anyway due to badges etc. Also ive never seen a new player doing the correct rotation right after he came from story.


To answer your question this big circle put you into some ice state which changes your skill on "2" to a stronger one. As ICE FM you want to be in that state 24/7 but ICE just like Fire is no longer played in PVE only in 1v1 and 3v3 light which is unlocked at lvl 60 hm 7 is played in every gamemode so just skip everything till you can play light.

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Basically just all that been said. Monumentarly stick to fire since its easy/big dps story wise, since Z should boost your stats instantly. Aside from that test either spec, and lightning at hm7. Outperforms but needs godmode todo so, which takes longer to trigger than fire.


Ultimately play whatever spec you enjoy the most :)

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If you want to be a meme follow this guy. While it is true you should play what you prefer you will still be looked down cause light is simply superior. Also it might be harder to get decent Raid groups with the wrong spec since they expect you to get xx ammount of DPS.


One example my Wind KFM does around 3.4 Million burst while Wolf would do like 7 Million in burst with that gear. Its ok for me cause this is just an alt but as a main you should focus on the max dmg you can do. But as you can see oppinions are different from person to person.

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I partly must disagree.


While some specs have higher burst, other specs have a better sustain. Esp in raids sustain is key. I dont see any need of lets say a gunner who bursts 15mil but dies in an instant since his base dmg wont heal enough.


But yeah, the higher percentage here is agreement.


Most content requieres you to do as much dmg as possible, but this solemnly depends on your personal goals.


vor 4 Stunden schrieb ImoutoMaster:

One example my Wind KFM does around 3.4 Million burst while Wolf would do like 7 Million in burst with that gear.

For me in wolf I  do insane dmg, but titan I barely get any combo since my ping is abyssmal. So as he said:

vor 4 Stunden schrieb ImoutoMaster:

oppinions are different from person to person.


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