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Destroyer 3rd Class Specialization: Way of the Iron Will


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how am i supposed to farm 8 throne of oblivion fragz in just 6 days, before patch goes live ? - as well as what if the spec itself isnt to my liking and i wish to go back to my thornbreaker mystic badge ..... ? how will that play out when you guys are saying things like "one-way only" ?


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Wildborne and War Song Soul Badges can be exchanged for the Exemplar Soul Badge by purchasing the corresponding Compass in the Dragon Express for 10 Gold and 1 Naryu Silver. You can freely exchange between all 3 Soul Badges as long you pay the exchange fee.


so the limitless soul badge cant exchange to the new exemplar? when BM/KFM got their 3 erd spec , why they can have free exchange of all soul badge? 

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb TTTank:

Wildborne and War Song Soul Badges can be exchanged for the Exemplar Soul Badge by purchasing the corresponding Compass in the Dragon Express for 10 Gold and 1 Naryu Silver. You can freely exchange between all 3 Soul Badges as long you pay the exchange fee.


so the limitless soul badge cant exchange to the new exemplar? when BM/KFM got their 3 erd spec , why they can have free exchange of all soul badge? 

Des player not important ? 

BM couldn't exchange their anchestral badge (fire badge) to the new exemplar badge, because there isn't a pink badge in it. We also had to farm the new one^^ you can only exchange pink badge for pink badge

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10 hours ago, RyVerseLy said:

BM couldn't exchange their anchestral badge (fire badge) to the new exemplar badge, because there isn't a pink badge in it. We also had to farm the new one^^ you can only exchange pink badge for pink badge

you are right. but the oil and all mats price at that time is just about like 60% of now which means we destroyer cost more gold to gain same badge. 

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