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Is fishing going to be relevant some day?


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Fishing is dead, why invest developing something that is not rewarding at all?

Everyone seems to forgot about this system already, Nerokoso did 2 videos opening bags that he got from weeks of fishing and he got 1 pet, so he actually got punished for doing so.
I thought with time we could have better rewards or something, but we got no updates so far. I though fishing was going to be a relaxing alternative for getting upgrade materials.


Only a few keep fishing and is for the title, you don't even get a reward for catching all fishes.
How about improving the system?, adding a new rank tab on F11 for the better fish, which can be pure RNG so anyone can win? adding more and better cosmetics? any more ideas?

Is there any plans to update fishing rewards in the future?

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At the german Forum Baskerville wrote Something about fishing after the questeion came up why we have a different version than korea where you also can buy materials (soulstone / moonstone / sacred and elysian crystals).


Zuerst einmal gibt es nur eine westliche Version, Europa und Nordamerika unterscheiden sich nicht. Darüber hinaus kann man die verschiedenen Versionen von Blade & Soul nur mit Kontext vergleichen. Beispielsweise kann man die Angelbelohnungen nicht isoliert betrachten, weil es zum Beispiel grundsätzlich Unterschiede zwischen der westlichen und der chinesischen Version gibt, weil unter anderem das Geschäftsmodell anders ist und weil sich das Marktverhalten im Spiel auch anders verhält. Daher werden sich die Belohnungen fürs Angeln in der westlichen Version von Blade & Soul wohl auch in absehbarer Zeit nicht oder jedenfalls nicht signifikant ändern.



Basically he said: Nope there wont be any significant changes regarding fishing in the foreseeable future.

As a reason he mentioned the different buissness models between asia and western region and the different market behavior


Since i was to lazy to translate the whole test by myself, here is a google translate translation:


First of all, there is only one western version, Europe and North America are no different. In addition, you can only compare the different versions of Blade & Soul with context. For example, you can not look at fishing rewards in isolation because, for example, there are fundamentally differences between the Western and Chinese versions, because, among other things, the business model is different and because market behavior in the game behaves differently. Therefore, the rewards for fishing in the western version of Blade & Soul will probably not change in the foreseeable future or at least not change significantly.

So yeah, giving western player the opportunity to buy Moonstone / Elysian Crystals for 400 and Soulstone / Sacred crystals for 10 pearls each would totaly ruin the market in the western region ...
Dont know whether i should laugh or cry about such nonsens


The changes of the crafting system even made the option to buy outfits from crafting guildes total unnecessary.

At long last, fishing is just another waste of Diskspace on your harddrive cause now it would be even faster to level a guild and craft the outfit, then to collect the incredible amount of pearls you need to buy them. You need to level the Guild anyway, since you only get parts of the nessesary outfits you need for the archivment.



Edited by Merlin DE
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