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When wil the new class go Live it is 18 September already in Europe

Elite Stief

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why is the new class not live yet it is already 18 September in Europe do we need to wait until it is Afternoon in America before we can play it bekous the people of Europe should have already acces to the new class making us wait until it is Afternoon in America is unfair the people of America wil get more time to play the new class this day and the people of Europe not bekous when it is afternoon in America it is Evening in Europe please start the content for Europe our day time is not the same give people in europe a chance to have some time to play it this is not how it should be europe needs to get there stuff when it is afternoon for them and not evening

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the server is not down it is up they only are blocking the patch from loading it and we only can play the old content and not the new class i can understand if we cant play it when it is in maintance and that is not the case it should already be Live for Europe i think they are playing it unfair and that we need to wait until it is afternoon in America i hope i em wrong

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Maint started at 13:00 cest maint is going now for 1h. 20 mins and it will be at least 6h if we wont get extended (like always). So chill a bit. We will get such bad times for maint as long as Eu version is published and maintained by ppl working in NA and all is done during THEIR work hour. 

All in all download update if posible and come back in 5 more hours -+

Edited by MantisxD
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Because americans start working at 3AM every day right? :D Please... This time is picked because there is less stress on the servers and the network there. EU-based games do their maintenances around the same time aswell. Its been like this for decades, nothing new, move on!

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