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Which Doctor Weekly Raid Guide


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Confusing guide for conduction. Is this a quest you do with the 12 people and 1 does it, all 12 people try to do it, or something you have to do alone before you start your weeklies?

Edited by Wataru
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not really sure if it warranted a guide at all.  if you just go in a try it, you can see that 1 person is able to do it.  and it's the only thing that the actual boss is locked behind rather than a mini-boss

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On 2019-07-26 at 2:02 AM, Wataru said:

Confusing guide for conduction. Is this a quest you do with the 12 people and 1 does it, all 12 people try to do it, or something you have to do alone before you start your weeklies?

It's a weekly you do with 12 people, but the first room can be done solo. Next room is the boss.

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