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I'm having issues picking and sticking to something!


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I'm not sure what it is, but i can't seem to nail down something to play! i am always caught up in thinking that "someone else is gonna do this better" or "there are probably too many of these guys!" Is there something i can do to shake this?

Edited by Blasbo
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There will always be someone better geared than you simple because they've been playing the game longer or spent more money.  And this also applies to them being better able to play their character.  They've had more time to practice.  Using this as your rationale for picking a certain class will leave you will buyers remorse when class balances occur and your chosen one is nerfed.  If you don't play what is fun and natural to you then why play at all?  Otherwise it becomes more like work than play and I don't know about you but I'm not getting paid to play. 

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I understand, well then, How do I pick a class? Not gonna lie i've tried many things like Destroyer, Warlock, Gunner, Warden, Soul Fighter, Blade Dancer, Assassin, Summoner, and Force Master. Not a lot stuck.


I know it comes down to preference (which mine are being useful in a PvE setting while not being the most braindead dps/tank, maybe magic melee but it's not a requirement), but nothing i've tried has really resonated with me to continue to learn the nuances. Not out of difficulty mostly, Just out of character feel. i get bored with a thing like Soul Fighter because I just play by hitting a 1,2,F (later a hold 2 F in another spec) combo that feels uninspired and kinda dull, but i also get frustrated with things like assassin due to the button layout feeling kinda jumbled.


I also worry about adding another character to the pile of Wardens, Gunners, or Force Masters as well because I wanna help fill in gaps in parties whenever I do get into a decent guild one day.


i've done my best to educate myself via videos but they seem behind on info as well so i could be missing info.


TLDR: i feel like i'm being picky, but no classes i've tried have really hit the mark with me.

Edited by Blasbo
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I generally see plenty of all classes on any given day. No one can tell you which class you are going to like. Thats for you to decide. When i first started i wanted to play a Destroyer, then a Kung Fu Master, but i've spent most of my time on my force Master, it's personal preference :)


I still enjoy playing all of those, i have at least one of every type at lvl 60, still enjoy my FM more than the rest, I'm not saying you should take each to lvl 60 to figure it out, i generally play until jadestone village, if i don't like them for whatever reason(looks, voice, etc) i'll delete and start again.

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I'm on the same boat as you. I like too many classes to pick one, and that in turn prevents me from maining anything, thus not really getting anywhere. Classes in MMOs are to my belief, designed in such a way that people would like and invest in more than one. They will have this specific thing that attracts, and this other thing that detracts leaving some players wishing there was a class that included what they liked about the other classes.


I personally see players using all classes around, though now I see more wardens and summoners than other classes. So I can already tell you which classes to avoid if you don't want to be in the "everyone" group. Now, you mentioned assassin, and I'd say, give it a go. Once you learn it, I hear it's a beast class able to even solo content no other class can do. So they can be a huge DPS asset in any party.


As for testing classes, did you know you can actually try level 60s at character creation? When trying a character, make a test character and select the level 60 voucher option. You will have a free level 60 character at the hongmoon training ground. You will need the actual voucher to get the character out of there, but as long as they are in there, you have a near fully functional level 60 to play with, minus talents. When done with testing, if you liked the class, just delete the character and create it anew as a level 1.

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