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we need a mt to revert back to old launcher


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is this launcher worth losing active players to put off downloading over 45 gig worth of file , so  much errors are occuring and alot of people cant enter the game ,if people can use old launcher until april why not hold off a bit and fix the errors ........ this is really ridiculous .this launcher is slow and at a time where new people are just settling in alot ofn them wont reinstall the game worse if they on potato internet ........dwonloading this game all over again isnt fun when i have it a;lready its just that the launcher wont pick it up even when i dump it in the ncsoft folder ......i have to wait a whole year for it to check for updates and preparing updates another year then to find out its installing all over 

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Odd. While the new launcher is slower by itself because it downloads more stuff to put in your face at a time, it never messed with my game installation and recognized it on the spot. So my only recent download was the launcher itself. My game is installed in my D drive and the launcher is in C drive.

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thats not really a launcher issue but your pc o.o

also if you open the launcher settings you can choose the location of the game files. then you can pause the download, scan file and it will only download a patch o.o

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though sure, I'm now finding myself unable to launch this through Steam. The basic shortcut it created has no target but can mysteriously still open the launcher normally. But passing this info into a Steam shortcut now makes it throw an error. 

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