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Profane stone -> pristine oil


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So I'm a bit confused as to this change:


Before it cost 500 gold + 50 tablets (which were practically free)

Now it costs: 3 sacred oils at 300G gold each


Cost effectively doubled? Any particular reason behind this?

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While I agree its stupid to use oils now for accessories as we need them for soul....heart...other things... You do not need 3 oils per accessory, only one. Elysian orbs you can easily get from dailies so if you calculate the cost out for those (seriously lol hell even OI box can give you them now). 52.2g per 13 moonstones as of current prices in yura. 300g per oil. 15g pristine oil transmutation cost. 367.2g Total per accessory, its still cheaper than the profane stone path that was there before. Not to mention you can stack up moonstones from dailies to cut costs or wait for an event to come by to get a sacred vial for free ontop of the (e.g. halloween even I got 2 sacred vials for free). 


All in all cost was actually reduced, but at the same time made other equipment more problematic

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wym 3 oils?
it costs 1 oil to make pristine oil

to make an oil it costs like 300g with mats? (or even less)

so like the cost is 40% cheaper


the only thing that is bad is using oils to switch between gear is a bad thing since oils need more use for soul, they should remove the pristine oils they are there to make us delay upgrading our souls

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