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Why PVP is dying and so is the game..


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  • 4 weeks later...

ARC hit it right on point. People will flock to a class that has advantages. Not everyone wants to switch classes to contend. So they leave. I enjoy the game but they need to think before releasing other classes. People try to exploit class release because they want to be top and they know it'll be broken. Then when they nerf they get mad and disappointed that they are not doing as well and leave. Or your whole group will fill with that one class and now there is no diversity in the game it becomes boring and bland so they leave. Like when I got 5 wardens in my pve group on day of release and for a month after at least 3 or when I got 3 gunners in my pve group on the norm for a month straight. All battlegrounds where for like 6 months was gunners exploiting the mobility and burst dmg. Right now its the wardens days in bg capitalizing on damage and e spam ( people don't invest in a class to have it out performed by a new class that has less gear). When the nerf comes they will stop and leave or move to the next class. Next is a poor community of players. People wont teach or show other how to perform in a dungeon or raid instead they cuss out these players and call them names then these players leave. When these players leave they remove the potential for more funding to be spent on bns. Everyone wants to be at the top so they can believe they are special then they point out others flaws telling them that they are trash . They are hurting the game they i enjoy. Making so the game has a self life shorter then if it was just the game. Its the community and game as a whole that is responsible. My friends quit because they were sick of the people (not the game) they got capped at certain content because players wont teach them and if they try to learn they are told they are trash because they should just know the mechs from birth. We have people in our community  that tell other people not to q because they are afraid of losing rank in bg or losing some time in a raid. So tell those inexperienced players to leave when the servers shut down Those experienced player with a temper can wonder why not even thinking they were a part of the problem. I'm still here because words don't bother me. I was in the military and they do way worse then bns people any day lol. 

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