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Summoner Battleground Earth or Wind


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Hello people, I need to advise what element of Summoner is better on PvP Battleground? I have a dragonforge 9 gun + PvP earring, ring, belt, bracelet and necklace.
Legendary soulbadge and mystic badge I have for both elements.
PvE is clearly better ground, but maybe in 1 in 1 arena I use on BM, SF, BD, DES, GUN wind and on FM, WL, SUM earth. KFM and WAR will not win.

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Depends on your gear and the oponents you are fighting. I alternate between earth and wind in 6v6 because most of it depends what you are fighting against.


For arena its the same tho wind can give you instant win if you manage to get the target into the air.

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