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What i need fixed for next update bns please read :(


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1.OPTIMIZATION - reduce the graphic strain of sandstorm temple and hh 


i did sandstorm temple the other day, it was really crazy i mean to stage the setting i can understand that but all these sand flying across the screen really puts strain, on a already poorly optimized game, am busy fighting fps issues than the boss....and worst if theres mech there to turn on char for a short duration(idk mech  so idk), they need to have a setting to adjust the scene to nuetralize the environment,  sands flying all over the place doesn't make sense for ppl its just eating up fps when all i wanna do is fight the boss, plus the boss doing is own effects on top of that.


certain dungeon such as starstone mines, when someon gets frozen ...could you please put an ice icon over there heads and fire gets an icon which is visble in ctrl f mode) its really annoying turning on people dropping your fps and then searching for them  while avoiding losing flame, not everyone one has a perfect pc whcih cost thousands of dollars, tbh all the dungeons straight up to el  and consider dd is good but hh and sandstorm  boss fight scene is so busy, if you cant implement those scene tone downs at least implement the ice and fire icons, its a lil fix that will solve  alot of problems ..the current target icon in game already is good but nobody its not automatic.


2.raven soul shield chest - bound to account 


3.increase rewards for pvp arena dailies - i watch kr pvp streams and i see them getting wwv valley keys just to do arena , am not saying we should do that but adding a token worth farming only to lvl 55 personels to contribute to something is a good start , weapon mats liek crystals and void fragments are a start.



4.update outfits from zen bean trader , that red mask could go there you know :thinking:


5.add a battle ground peak time during the day - some people work in the evenings are not able to participate when its the peak time.


6.bring back breeze  weapon skins the coloured ones 


7.the thing that irks me the fact that raven ss drops from hard mode of dungeon which  requires u to have some what vt gear lol void fragments dropping in dungeon where your at the stage of not needing them for alts may  be but most of the time its trashed when people who can only do  ec dt n nf needs them the most to up weapon.


8.the rift dawn weapon coming next patch how much slots ? if it 3 thats evil considering the chances to roll more slot...at least 5 ..or make leg hammers more accessible 8 alts and cant even get 22 hammers for my main pvp weapon,gem slot lol.but free  loaders have no choice


9.stop recycling  weapon skins as event weapon skin i remember seeing fury weapon as glided something such a disappointment, when old outdated weapon skin from 2 years back just sitting there.need true breeze etc.

10. idk if they fix this cause i dont bother doing it anymore cause the ssp bosses hp are too low die in seconds.


11. shatter mast daily, adjust it to boss kill, impatient people just kill , before you get in and waste your time.


12.shorten the main story quest, new story coming in and when you get to lvl 47 - takes forever to hit 50 with all the wind strides 20 times back to ghs , by then new player quit lol .


13.add quest like the solak warrior quest to upcoming story those are really fun and really rewarding something to look forward to.


14.give bal/seraph chest at stage 5 ....


15. fix certain class simple mode ..light bd  i know of, heard about ice fm too.


16.arena loading on to field screen...... alot of people ..idk if they hack it or what but some people have super fast loading that alows them to get to u air u and blow half your health before you load in ..this is cheating and they know of this thats why they abuse it.allowing char to be on field while you see whats happening during count down is fair enough.even if am spectating a match i dont see when the person dash up to them alot of people complain about this too. anybody who have a prob with this , is abusing it . in tournaments you cant do it so why allow it to go on ingame.



17. idk about this but ..am getting my scoria necklace soon does it use red crux to upgrade it cause am not seeing it there if not that sucks wasting mats on my current necklace.


18.give out  wwv ss in solak story  quest along side the msp ones and remove it from the solak warrior  quest .


19.need some better story rewards ..more mats please, some nice outfit or something rewarding xp are too boring now 


20. - ---------------any other suggestions -------------leave them below :)



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My list..


0. Network & Stability

1. Servers Quality

3. Optimization

4. Optimization

5. Optimization

6. Optimization

7. Optimization

8. Optimization

9. Optimization

10. Optimization

100. Optimization

200. Optimization

1000. Optimization

10000000. Optimization

100000000000000000000. Optimization

3292387436384386509387868873994986454567454323. Optimization

1E+3292387436384386509387868873994986454567454323. Optimization


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1. - yeah cool

2. - idc

3. -  would be nice

4. - more outfits? yey

5. - leave it at that and make weekends a 2x buff just like in any other game, that could be also a solution

6. - idc

7. - maybe in another update later, who knows

8. - its free , im happy

9-10. - idc

11. - ssd?

12. - the opposite pls, and yeah less windstriding is appreciated , but the story is already too short , instead of more grinding they should implement more rewards in it.

13. - yeah those quests are good for new ppl, i agree.

14. - getting it to stage 5 barely cost anything

15. - idc

16. - yeah thats dumb af. (ssd?) :D

17. - maybe personal problem?

18. -i d say just add a basic pvp gear to the solak warrior quest , a full one, not some half assed ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤, like ascended weap stage 1 and a full set of tier 1 shield. at this point it wouldnt matter anyway


as for other suggestions, this game is based on grinding so i wouldnt expect any of this to happen. but we can keep our wishes i guess


-hm level is still stupid, same for the hm skills, just makes the game harder to balance.


-would be nice to see more ways for new ppl to catch up, at this point as i noticed they just leave the game after a few weeks when they finished the story, the events are nice, but its not a permanent solution, reduction costs are nice, you can argue this is a kr grind based mmo, i can tell you this is not the kr audience, ppl here  usually prefer noticeable progression over farming mobs at 1 place for weeks.and the gold you get for the lower "epic" dungeons is just a joke.

altfarming works for ppl that work at home or still going to school, or do nothing in particular just play all day.


-more dungeons would be nice, not just for endgame, but overall, and while we are at it, implement the low lvl dungeons into the story or something, or just make a lvlcap version of them with better rewards, outfits, mats ,w/e, like some other games do. at this point anything below cold storage is a waste (storage is usually an event dung, so you can guess)


-just remove the cd on windstride already, like why? ×.×


-here comes a big one. make the 6v6 equalized.  atm its just an ep-measuring tool without anything to motivate ppl(and some ppl always rage on less geared ppl which either makes them leave the game, or just forget the bgs altogether) most of the ppl here expect you to be fully geared as a fresh starter, i wonder if  they ever went on a bg in WoW, with the players having green items, o boi the days i can still remember. was fun. xD difference is, you had to do bgs in order to get pvp gear there, and you got ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ed in pve gear even maxed out, but here its just the other way around, and most of the ppl dont take newer players anywhere coz   "1.1k add a  dungeon"

but pvp is kinda dead anyway outside of peaktimes.


-i can't wait for the new class, looks so cool

im prepared for haters come at me *.*

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1. Optimization always great but honestly i wouldnt expect any optimization to happen before the engine upgrade next year.

2. Should stay as is

3. Arena PVP is dead....but you have already soulstones to get from there

4. The red mask shouldnt actually be there....

5. I'd agree to this.

6. I am always up for weapon skins but i dont think i remember which ones these are o.o

7. No, you mistake 2 things. Raid soulshields should in fact be gotten by doing the raid, they added them to the HM dungeons so that people have an alternative.

8. Wait for the stream

9. Its not just "recycling". One of the event weapon skins was Oathbreaker, so give it time other ones will come. what i would want tho is to let them add all weapons to the wardrobe (even ones from wheel of fate)

10. Agreed

11. You dont even neeed people for it....you go in, kill the few mobs, go out, go in kill the rest. Literally dont need a single person.

12. Leave as is, its not a problem.

13. doesnt matter to me

14. anything to make it easier for new players

15. Simply mode is not supposed to replace your key pressing. its an alternative for those that get RSI or have severe ping issues.

16. sure

17. If you dont see the option then it doesnt. Raid accessories typically award you only a blue crux.

18-20: meh....


The only other suggestions to add is:


1. STORAGE, that says it all. We NEED more.

2. Weapon durability.....useless and a time waste, get rid of it.

3. Balance pathces from KR....bring them faster.

4. Update wardrobe with wheel of fate weapons.

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