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Suggestions to Developers for the Summoner


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Hi, I just created a Summoner and instantly I found some things that needs to be improved. As you know at the start, you get to choose familiars, wouldn't it be great if we could also choose the appearance of the familiar? I mean don't get me wrong, Cats are cool, however it might be nice to choose like a Dog or Fox or something, also wouldn't it be nice if we could create how it looks like just like with our characters? I mean some people like a huge cat or a tiny one. Could be worth a shot to create or at least an appearance change item that can be acquired in some quests? (Hoping for quests and not in Market to buy it) (Well maybe you could place items in market that are cool and people would want to buy and some quests that are just okay) In any case it would be nice.
Another thing that needs to be changed is where the familiar is when you're sprinting, gliding or whatever. I mean it's better to see the familiar to the side a bit and being able to still see your character sprinting or gliding instead of looking at the familiar slip streaming your character. A little push to the side like a few centimeters so as you'll be able to see both your character and your familiar when sprinting or gliding. All in all it would be excellent if the position of your familiar is the same as when you are standing or running (not sprinting) and not directly at the back when you are sprinting.


On a side note, not a Summoner related but a Lyn related bug. I had chosen the 9 tailed version. When I am running or sprinting or gliding, the tails go into like a glitch mode where the tails look like they get tangled with each other. It sometimes sorts itself when stopping and sprinting again but most of the time it goes into glitch mode. The tails could sure use a fix and a little bouncy instead of being stiff.

Hope they'll change these as it would improve the look of the summoner.

PS: Those 3 are the only things I found, so far, that are worth mentioning.

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20 hours ago, Salintha said:

you can change what the cat looks like. there are stylists for example in jadestone and the other big towns. also you can zoom out so you dont look at the cat while sprinting.

So there are stylists okay that's good to know.
For the sprinting, I already zoomed out as much as I can but all I see is still the cat so it would be nice if they moved it a little to the left or right.

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There are not only stylists, the cat gets costumes as well (you can check them out at F3, there is a cat tab to sort things).


Also, the standard setting for zooming is about... 70 or 80, but actual max is about 800, so you might wanna change that in the settings, I always see my character clearly ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Could we get another race for the summoner?

 When i found out the only race that could be the summoner was a little animal midget...i thought noway...had to go through the races again,but it wasnt lying..:tears:

Then i create one and find out you only get one pet and its a F'in Cat!?... i hate cats..and for a summoner to summon somthing so tiny and weak looking..:mad:

 But i played the summoner and found out that it was the BEST class to play with my wife...cuz she kinda needs..ALOT of support..and the being able to control the summon so well /Taunting is very nice :heart::smirk:

  i played Final Fantasy alot was a summoner/Whitemage or whitemage/bard on the older online game...i get lost in what number it was lol..but being able to summon gods like ifrit,Leviathan,Titan,Shiva or wind/earth/fire/water spirit and alot more but they were big/small summons not saying that the summoner needs big summons.just more variety for different players would be nice. WoW is amazing for variety on pets i loved the Hunter alot being able to tame pretty much everything in the game was awesome.but yea Would be awesome to get another summon, could have the other summon somthing you learn on a quest they dont have to have different skills just somthing better than a Cat?:tears:

        [[[But this game is fun]]]..its no Black Desert:heart:the no trading/sharing loot,not really having the feel like you're playing with anyone really sucked felt like you were playing with NPCs....but hell Black Desert you can Fish with your NPC wife/afk and watch a.. movie?! W..in.TF is this world coming to..:D::mad:





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On 7/28/2018 at 6:29 PM, 54L7Y308 said:

Could we get another race for the summoner?

 When i found out the only race that could be the summoner was a little animal midget...i thought noway...had to go through the races again,but it wasnt lying..:tears:

Then i create one and find out you only get one pet and its a F'in Cat!?... i hate cats..and for a summoner to summon somthing so tiny and weak looking..:mad:

 But i played the summoner and found out that it was the BEST class to play with my wife...cuz she kinda needs..ALOT of support..and the being able to control the summon so well /Taunting is very nice :heart::smirk:

  i played Final Fantasy alot was a summoner/Whitemage or whitemage/bard on the older online game...i get lost in what number it was lol..but being able to summon gods like ifrit,Leviathan,Titan,Shiva or wind/earth/fire/water spirit and alot more but they were big/small summons not saying that the summoner needs big summons.just more variety for different players would be nice. WoW is amazing for variety on pets i loved the Hunter alot being able to tame pretty much everything in the game was awesome.but yea Would be awesome to get another summon, could have the other summon somthing you learn on a quest they dont have to have different skills just somthing better than a Cat?:tears:

        [[[But this game is fun]]]..its no Black Desert:heart:the no trading/sharing loot,not really having the feel like you're playing with anyone really sucked felt like you were playing with NPCs....but hell Black Desert you can Fish with your NPC wife/afk and watch a.. movie?! W..in.TF is this world coming to..:D::mad:





Only lyns can be summoners because that is the main lore and story of the game. If they changed this it would literally make the entore moonwater storyline a bunch of bs and ruin the entire story as a whole. Plus summoner in bns is nothing like anything in other games so comparing it to other games is something you should never do.



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Game Dev.s compare games to get ideas and put their own twists on it,never say never cuz thats how it works.but most games mess up those twists and the game fails.

 Variety is pretty much key for MMOs. Says Final Fantasy , WoW 

Final Fantasy with their Main Class and Sub class being able to mix Tank/dps/heals/Buffer and Variety with races

doing quests to unlock new summons


WoW with the healer/dps/tank/CC support , Tank/DPS/Heals , Tank/Dps or Healer/Dps roles for classes and Variety with races before some classes didnt have Variety but they changed that.

Warlock with quests to unlock new summons

Hunter with Taming pretty much everything.(but not at the start of WoW,they added in new animals/skills for exotic taming *things you couldnt tame before*) "for more Variety"

Summoner in BnS:

1 Race.

1 Pet (CAT) you can change its looks and put outfits on it but its Still a silly CAT.

 Combat i would compare it to the Hunter in WoW but less complicated than the hunter.


   Being able to Dodge backwards/Stun enemys "think it was scatter shot" 

  Hunters pet:

    Being able to stun/aggro on command "Has Defend/passive/aggresive stance"

    able to mend your pet "heal"

But yea the Mech. are pretty much the same.


  Story bit:

Stories are writen

 So they are able to add to the story or make a new story that links to the story

  There for adding a DLC for a Story

Yea it would be up to whoever writes it 


For me playing a Summoner in BnS(is a fun class cuz i played WoW and loved the hunter) but its like have a fly on your screen walking around,you know its there and it keeps distracing you from what your watching/playing

  Sucks being forced to play a Baby animal race/having only 1 pet to choose from.when the Mech. of the summoner is what i like about it


But anyways i was just putting my idea/feel for it in my 1st post and i gotta go make another drink:D:








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Can we all harass the Devs to let us customize our familliar or its outfit in tailor shop? I am certain your chromatic thread- if it were a stock; would sky rocket! lol jk. But I agree, being a summoner myself- that I would gladly pay to change my cat to a rabbit, or fox, or bear, dog, frog or at the very least be able to color its furr in plaid. Just saying because I haven't seen a familiar skin update in over a year at this point. 

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To make costumes customizable in the tailor shop NC already said it is hella lot of work and resources. So if they would make the cat costume customizable it would have to make them money so its a bit of gray area there. We do have 3 familiar slots, so honestly it would be cool to have 2 other familiars with different "abilities / skills" than the cat.


But since this is a summoner suggestion thread how about these additional QoL changes:


1. Make the cat go out of force masters sheath / destroyers iron plate together with the summoner. right now we need to waste our beckon to get the cat out which is stupid.

2. If we use mass cat revive the resurrected players have a temporary "shield" to make it so they do not die instantly again right after rez. Can this be added to helping paw res aswel?

3. Petal Toss - make the petal Toss also apply ivy poison since with the new bracelet its part of the rotation.

4. Remove the "back damage" from Thorn strike. (This will be in the next balance patch so its already done)

5. Beckon works now if the familiar is 50m away which is great but the cat still gets blocked by walls and raocks. Would be great if beckon would force recall the cat regardless of obstacles.

6. If you do a dungeon and its a mass wipe, and you press 4 to ressurect yourself at start, can the cat be auto-resurrected with the player? Similar to BG where if we die and res the cat is up aswel.

7. Split up the cats "Crouching Tiger" skill into 2 seperate skills which both can be activated without any special spec. For example pressing Q would make the cat crouch and regen chi, but pressing R would make the cat crouch and taunt.

8. Some skills when pressed / used cause others to go on a cooldown aswel. For example if you use petal toss, thorn strike gets a short cooldown aswel so it cant be directly used after. Changing this would be nice, not just for summoner but for all classes.

9. This might be just me but i miss the Doom and Bloom effect where it healed party members in the effects area (melee classes)

10. Make our roots also apply ivy poison, all 3 moves not just weed whack.

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