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PvP after rework


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i was really excited for the latest SF changes when i saw the patchnotes but after few weeks testing things out im kinda disapointed when it comes to pvp. Just few examples:


1: Rising Dragon Strike and Meteor Strike. Though i got good ping Rising DS seems to be unresponsive a lot of imes, i end up doing 1-2 normal lmbs before knocking into air wich gives enemys time to react. Meteor Strike is deactivated due this too cause not being sure first lmb will ariel i use it several times but having Meteor activated aeriel/knockdowns then. Its not that big deal hence ending aeriel via Meteor isnt really a good thing to do in most situations but lacking the possibility to use it at all is kinda lame


2: Self Defense Chi stage 2 removed... HUUUUUGE nerf 1v1/3v3 vs all ranged classes and huge nerf 6v6 too. 5resists/5sec seems to be gone instant vs sums/gunner 1on1 and 6v6 aswell when your attacked by 2  ppl.


3: Ulti heal "buff"/nerf... our ultys never were that super exciting to use (soulsurge is a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ joke anyways comparing to other classes dmg ulti) but now our utility ulti feels kinda nerfed too. sure higher range is good pve but the lowered buff is kinda MEH for pvp. stopped using ulti skills at all in pvp...


4: Heal/resist restrictions for melee/ranged stance. You cant SS in melee anymore and use self def Chi you got to throw a TAb in before using it. Same goes for heal when your in melee. On no other class you constantly use TAB so much (except spinners wich basicly spin 24/7) wich leads to using TAB escape by accident quit often (thus lacking 2nd escape is our certain dead in lots of situations)


5: "Chi Cloak...what is it good for ? Absolutly nothing!" *stopsinging* But srsly...anyone ever uses this ? Havent found any use for our new counter/block yet!


6:Our Aerial got nerfed too much!

From Producers Letter from start of the year:

*Air combos performed by Soul Fighters doesn't allow their opponents much of a chance to respond

Dynamic offensive and defensive combat is a very important aspect of B&S. And we believe air combos with Windstorm doesn't follow in that direction and that it brings a negative experience to other classes. For now, we have nerfed the Subjugator Bracelet and plan to monitor how it goes.


I would totally agree to that BUT..have you heared of WL/Sum/Gunner air combos ?....


7: Froststorm oneshots are gone due Badge nerf. Id toally welcome nerfing/removing/lowering oneshot abilitys for 6v6 in generall but like 90% of the classes can do that so...WHY ?


8: Ice Helix...3x3meters, no pull/chill,not that great dmg... no matter how you specc the froststorm it doenst change. deactivated it for pvp completly, utterly dissapointed in that



Overall they did it again, buffing SF in PvE means nerfing us in PvP (a trend started when removing crit chance and adding crit dmg to focus chi) Maybe we got more dmg for arena but  soon other classes adept a little and know how to handle it. Our anyway marginal increased winchances vs certain classes will drop again and vs nearly any other class i feel like sf is in disadvantage (i play arena on every class except des/bd and fm) On no other class struggling so hard in arena!


At the begging i thought it was simply adjusting to new key binds that "nerfed" me but now idk...pvp seems nerfed nerfed nerfed. Whats your thoughts guys ???


Greets PEST

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Not to mention, that earth is complete trash in 6v6. Could be even worse than ice wl.
Sure, frost storm got nerfed, but kingfist is single target, effect from dynasty badge basicly useless because it does not hit anyone most of the time and there is no other better badge. If you want to deal some dmg, you have to spec PVE version, which ofcourse can be blocked or parried so you actually need to force your oponent to use all escapes, CC him and then you can kill him.

And in 6v6 with all those resets, it is very hard to achieve. Not to mention all those class that just pops one of theirs resists and kill you in 1.5 sec without any need to CC you or classes that just one shot you for 300k

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PvP kingfist isnt single Target its 2x8m aoe. I played arround with earth in 6v6 a little and found it way better then frost. In frost you have to aeriel a target twice most of the times to kill it...wich doesnt work most of the times when any other enemy reacts and CCes you. Playing earth just go full retard Kingfist dmg (pve brace and holy fire badge) find the weakest target (sum cats work fine too) cc and oneshot them, gain 3 sec dmg immunity and nother kingfist rdy. repeat, profit..well thats the theory at least, if you cant oneshot anything fast get CCed and die..thats reality xD

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Oneshot.... a cat???

In any case, that would leave you completely useless if the target survives/resists. On the other hand, in frost you have nice dmg on frost storm and even if you dont oneshot (no way to oneshot anyway) you still have aerials that can kill (if you have max pvp gear).

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 08/06/2018 at 12:52 AM, Pestiferius said:

5: "Chi Cloak...what is it good for ? Absolutly nothing!" *stopsinging* But srsly...anyone ever uses this ? Havent found any use for our new counter/block yet!

that orb sequence in SJF helps because the lag is real. ideally they could just increase the time we can hold out our elbow smash and no one would care about chi cloak.
That being said supposedly you can use it to build chi levels.
And while you take hits under inspiration buff from chi burst you're supposed to be able to increase your cooldowns of non resettable skills.

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