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BattleGround Clan -Time Change ?!?!!?

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Since the time has changed with +1hour forward , in game all the events changed with 1h + and didn't keep the old time . For me (Italy) to play BG clan it's at 22:00-00:00*NOW , ( before it was 21:00-23:00 good but still could be earlier 1h ). If you look at europe MAP if you go more right to Eastern Europe for them will 23:00-01:00* now (midnight) which is really bad, people have jobs,family ,can't stay over midnight to play a game let's be serious.

The BG clan should be with 2h earlier from now(current game time ),so all EUROPE can play Battleground clan. Right now it's a huge disadvantage for many of us . This has to be changed really fast,there are to many benefits that many of us lose for Time zone/ GAME .

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The problem with the time for Clan-PVP was adressed so many time, not only here but also in the german forum. Switching to DST (DaySaveTime) in EU make it even more worse but no one ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing cares at NC-Soft/NC-West. Sadly but true it wont be a problem to change clan-pvp times to 19-21 (7-9pm), making it much more comfortable for most working players.

I know many clans, mine includes, that cant contribute to clan-pvp because of theese shitty times :/


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