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Valentine's Event


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After trying to do this with my friends, I find this event EXTREMELY hard, almost impossible for us players that are noobs / non whales. For some reason all the whales are here instead of in the new battlegrounds or trying the new dungeon. All we want to do is spin the wheel to make use of the event but it is literally impossible with an opposing faction outfit whale killing us every second. Even if i switch to the dominate faction outfit, there's bound to be someone that messes us up. It can be just one person. Another problem is the wheel itself. 18 seconds is way too long. Really needs to be lowered. The feeling when you're 17 out of 18 seconds there but then an enemy whale Blademaster one shots you is not a good feeling. It's also hard to even get the wheel because the amount of people that are also spamming 'F' to get it. Then the pinchy bombs. There's people that have fun throwing bombs at everyone and it's annoying especially when you're spinning the wheel. Maybe somehow keep the bombs but don't allow them to go outside Pinchy range.



I advise, before saying anything to try to do this event yourself to see what I mean. I want the devs to try the event themself and see how it is.

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i wish the players would actualy show up on forums and speak up a bit...

cuz this 'event' is a horrid disaster.

dont you remember them saying on stream 'oh yea events are soposed to be FUN and accessable to all players'

i dont see fun, accessable or all players in here.

i dont see anything but pure disaster and lazyness.


only 1 person can spin that wheel at a time. only 1. in a 'faction type' outfit while he can be attacked

and ofc you know, as long as there is 1 who feels like being a complete looser he will attack and ruin things for everyone.

at what point is it forgoten or unclear that 'open world pvp' is beyond a horrable thing in this game, anywhere from gear gaps to massive fps drops due to crazed groups of people doing anything in the same place... 


how is this soposed to be a 'fun event' , where is the fun, for whom?

the 10 most cash geared players, 20 maybe

i dont see anywhere above 5-10% of players who didnt quit trying to deal with this horrendous puke of a self proclaimed event get the item in the end of it.


i have no understanding why do they hate the players so much, because i dont see any logical explination to this 5 min stapled together vomit that they named an event.


only an extremely select few will maybe get their item, a lot of people have already given up on it all together.

how can this even be called an event design...


its not fun, its definately not even remotely accessable to even TRY to do this, and there is definately no love for players here, or heartbreak for that matter, the only real thing that is shown here clearly, is that you hate your players. pure complete hatered.


i mean, you clearly have not tried actualy doing this besides maybe with 2-3 people which is not an actual sample of whats happening for the players, and clearly didnt even bother to walk 10 steps away, the pinchy bomb does not discriminate which outfit you wear, you're all getting kicked in the air by someone, who's line usualy at this point goes like 'since i have no chance at all of doing this, why should any of you? *throws bomb while laughing sadistically'


tbh i dont even know why i bother writing all this, knowing the playerbase wont say a word, and even if they do, we wont be heard nor would anything be done about this...

i just felt like trying, hope dies last, right...

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And here I thought, the last event was HELL.
This. event. is.Trash.
Yes the loots are kinda good, but really, this event is just for WHALES. Nothing but for WHALES!
It discourages low-geared people like me to even make an effort and play the game.
Yes I get it, the kills are for the achievement. 

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25 minutes ago, SeiL said:

And here I thought, the last event was HELL.
This. event. is.Trash.
Yes the loots are kinda good, but really, this event is just for WHALES. Nothing but for WHALES!
It discourages low-geared people like me to even make an effort and play the game.
Yes I get it, the kills are for the achievement. 

idk why people complain about the poharan event lol nothing hell about it

i did like over 100 runs of it easy

just need a good team like ur clan

but besides that i agree

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Il y a 15 heures, LucyEven a dit :

and ofc you know, as long as there is 1 who feels like being a complete looser he will attack and ruin things for everyone.

U said it Lucy, and this game is full of them so ofc there are stupid ppl like that who just want to ruin it, can be by pking or just throwin bombs to cancel the spin, like i saw...


Honestly i did it on a character for like 20 mins and i got both of them and could only spin the wheel like 3x

Just like the last event, with understats and having to wipe 5x to finish the dungeon (RSC), this event is just similar, and i really don't get what they found fun when doing it....

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I've been waiting fo a pvp event... this is not what I was looking for, especially since the tokens are character bound so if I want to do this with all my chars, all my chars has to go to that masacre and try to spin that Wheel, so many things wrong about this idea.. 18 seconds? only if you wear faction uniform? only one can spin at a time? only 1 Wheel?

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Honestly I just sell the hearts (1g each) and get the choco hearts for oils, time is money and cba for wasting time for openworld PvP. My suggestion would be to make non-pvp channels and PvP channels. Though the non PvP channels would be filled and the PvP channels would be empty, ah well. 

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Honestly, This event and the dungeon situation (Unable to complete dungeon runs 90% of the time, Can't find groups for any dungeon unless it is a daily or is DT+) is really making me reconsider my choice to come back to the game.

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