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Hello everyone, im new to the game and currently leveling a BM and a FM both are lvl 38.

With my FM i have to be carefull and my dps / burst are not really good. While with my BM i can rush in the middle of tons of mob and just tab + spamm rightclick dragon fire tongue something like that its magic !
I have way more survability and damage / burst with my BM than with the FM is it normal ? 

Can you play BM in dungean and raid later has a DPS or do you have to be Tank ? And if yes witch spec to use ? lightning or fire?

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Yes, you can play as dps but is a little bit harder. All the people spec that you tank the dungeon and in the most of the case you will tank. Fortunately, this game is design to not have a tank spec like other MMO'S out there, forcing the tanks to do dps for hold the aggro of the party instead of have a "taunt" skill for do this job and the BM can use his tanking skill for doing dps to compensete the tank part so i personally recomend that you learn how to tank, that will make your life more simply than doing dps with them in the most situations. For the BM the best build for now is Fire, is much more easy to play than lightning, more ms friendly and do more dps with low gear (and even with more) and is so much easy to tank with fire. Make sure that you learn how to uso your F block in draw stance, Q, E and SS on your favor and you will be fine tanking dungeons.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is this really the case that you are expected to tank no matter what? 


When I was picking a class, I looked at guides that told me BM is DPS OR Tank. I've tanked in other games but I really don't want to try it yet, being so new and not knowing any of the bosses. I don't love it to be frank and only do it if my group needs it but if it's going to every dungeon, I'll have to re-roll which is a pain-in-the-arse to put it lightly.


I'm only 45 so far so I guess the time to do it is now before I invest any serious gold/mats into him...

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As a person with 8 characters (+2 deleted) I'll say it now just in case you're not immune to grind: leveling to 45 (55) is nothing compared to what you'll face later. Tho it is darn tedious for sure.
While KR is supposedly going towards making any class able to tank, right now we only have KFM and BM as explicitly tank classes, so naturally people expect you to do it. I know the struggle of not wanting to drag 5 other people down with your inexperience while at the same time wanting to do harder content, but in normal mode dungeons nowadays it takes 1-2 runs and you're good to go (assuming you're doing NS+, anything less is facerolling (*Rocnar*)). I wish they improved F12 in this (learning) regard but oh well. If you have good specs and ping tanking is really just making the battle more fun here with the DMC-Royal-Guard-timing blocks. However, most of us suffer with this game, I'm sure you either know or can find the reasons why anywhere.
I noticed I'm just about to go on a rant here, so I'll abstain and instead take this: at the moment you are indeed expected to tank, however mostly it's easy to the point you can fall asleep tanking, just takes that first run.
(Don't try going in without a tank at all though, you'll have people yelling at you AND the boss jumping around everywhere is a legit cause of cancer).

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On 28/02/2018 at 2:30 PM, Stormpooper said:

As a person with 8 characters (+2 deleted) I'll say it now just in case you're not immune to grind: leveling to 45 (55) is nothing compared to what you'll face later. Tho it is darn tedious for sure.
While KR is supposedly going towards making any class able to tank, right now we only have KFM and BM as explicitly tank classes, so naturally people expect you to do it. I know the struggle of not wanting to drag 5 other people down with your inexperience while at the same time wanting to do harder content, but in normal mode dungeons nowadays it takes 1-2 runs and you're good to go (assuming you're doing NS+, anything less is facerolling (*Rocnar*)). I wish they improved F12 in this (learning) regard but oh well. If you have good specs and ping tanking is really just making the battle more fun here with the DMC-Royal-Guard-timing blocks. However, most of us suffer with this game, I'm sure you either know or can find the reasons why anywhere.
I noticed I'm just about to go on a rant here, so I'll abstain and instead take this: at the moment you are indeed expected to tank, however mostly it's easy to the point you can fall asleep tanking, just takes that first run.
(Don't try going in without a tank at all though, you'll have people yelling at you AND the boss jumping around everywhere is a legit cause of cancer).

Thanks for the advice. I did tank a few mid level heroic dungeons and you're right, it's not exactly hard right now. Still, it didn't take long to get me this far tbh and I don't really like the race I chose anyway for my BM (I wanted to go with a Gon but those damn race restrictions...) so I'm rolling a Gon Soul Fighter and while I love how he looks, I'm not sure about the class. I don't feel as powerful as I did on my BM. I'm also rolling a Yun Gunslinger and holy crap it seems face roll easy right now. I kinda love it but it doesn't seem to fit with the martial arts theme of the game.


Anyway I might get them both to 55 and see how they play then before deciding what to do. The trouble is I like making alts in games like this. I get bored playing the same class and looking at the same character all the time but obviously it's a nightmare to try and gear more than your main with the grind in this game (from what I hear anyway...) Is it really that bad? I play everyday and in other MMOs, I could gear up in a month or less no problems. I'm premium or whatever it's called if that makes a difference...

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I get where you're coming from on the multiple characters part (except for the appearance, never cared much, 'tis why it baffles me how much people spend on pixels in this game). I like all my classes' rotations and gameplay. But sadly the game is harsh on people with alts. Although it's been getting much better, there's one ludicrously gigantic problem: HM skills. Made a rant about them in dungeons category but naturally nothing will be done about it. They're really expensive and their drop rate in dungeons is so low it's normal not to see a single one running dungeons every day for a whole year apparently. BUT they are vital for all classes (for some more, for some less).
Getting to 55 won't reveal as much of your class as you might want it to since now low-geared characters suffer from abysmal crit rate (thanks, 55) and things like soul and mystic badges change rotations a lot.
As for the grind, it's honestly the worst i've witnessed in any game. Opinions might differ though. As a 100% F2P I used to be at high-end gear, ~top in my clan, but then troves and other totally-not-p2w events hit and I went below everyone who "participated" in them in 1 day. For 2 years the gap has been ever increasing between most f2ps and whales (i'll assume you know the word). Gave up quite some time ago on this game actually, i'm just casually raiding with my clan now mostly or playing around with alts when i do play this game. Newest dungeon i've run is NS (after I had to run 155 times to get the legendary from there for tokens (thanks, 0 drops)(and they even lowered the drop rate further for later dungeons))....
But enough about my sob story, premium does change a lot, however just that is nowhere near enough to get to high-end gear quickly.

There are f2ps who have max gear however, i imagine pretty much all of them had to play the market. You may be aware but we're following other regions where the game has come out years ago (2012 first release iirc). If you know what updates are coming you can make insane profits by stocking up on the right materials and then selling them. Maybe there's some other max f2p who did it yet another way but I imagine they're either playing a ranged class or boosted by non-f2ps, else I don't even know.

Anywho; TL;DR: alts are possible, but expensive af, grind is real (not necessary to play end-content but community), get ncoins, get rng == get gud, Storm can go on rants forever if it's complaining about the game.
Seems like a pretty good summary.

P.S. If you intend to keep playing, be prepared for developers screwing up constantly and "developing" fixes for months or years after the fact happens and even those are workarounds that should've been deployed instantly. I heard KR got new people for skill development or something so that should be nice (or not if i know anything about this company).
P.P.S ping is essential for playing this game efficiently, aim for 100-ish or below in-game (afaik lower is only achievable by living closer to the servers)

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