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lv 55 first time


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oh common, please don't give advice like that.


hongmoon lvl 20 comes along the way, nothing to aim for with the first 55 character. And 10 points in defense is more than enough for most pve content (add more if you go tower of infinity or 6v6).


Asuming you are in story gear (sounds like a newbie to me), upgrade you weapon to baleful/seraph if you haven't done yet and get 6 gem slots. If you got less, reroll until you got 6 (weapon chests at great harvest). Then upgrade your weapon. mats are farmed in dungeons  or in the basin for peaches (take the void fragment path, it is way cheaper).

Try to get legendary accessoirs (NOT the earring from msp, get the violet elemental one, drops from dungeons), although many skip the legendary ring as they go straight bt ring, which is better as it has elemental stats.

run dailies for sun orbs, so you geht your badges (first priority) and gems (second) or buy them if you got the gold. Also farm peaches for the other badge and tower of infinity if your class need the badge from the current season.


this is just a short rundown, but that is your plan in the long run.

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My advice is to go to youtube and watch a video on exactly what you're asking.  Search for something like "blade and soul what to do after level 55 or something".  You should be able to find a decent video on what you need to focus that will be a bit easier to follow then a written explanation.   There are plenty of videos on youtube that will help you on things like gearing up, gold farming, dungeons and how to play your character.  

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