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I don't meet the requirement for Naryu Sanctrum


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So I'm lvl 55, finished the whole story and on Baleful Pistols level 2. I cannot LFP in dungeon finder for Naryu Sanctum because apparently I do not meet the requirements. This is what the dungeon looks like for me: 



Is it the Unrefiened Scaleburn Pistols that are preventing me? If so then how do I get them?

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Well, if you're still only on Baleful stage 2 that is probably why lmao. You most likely lack enough DPS for the dungeon. Though, I'm unsure of the recommended dps now since I believe some dungeon bosses were leveled up to 55 and are more difficult now. 

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The system prevents you to enter, cause in the new lvl system you never got the scaleburn weapon ( which is kinda dumb but ok^^)

You can buy the weapon from a npc, although I am not entirely sure where... I think it is this big place right under zaiwei, but I might be wrong. It is not expensive, so that would solve that.

Anyway, you should not run this dungeon at this point. If you are at baleful 2, you probably also just have story rewards, which means you dps is probably way too low as this is not quite endgame, but not that far away. At least it is not a dungeon you want to run if you just finished the story. up until tomb is fine with lfp, if you find a group for foundry you might be lucky. but in sanctum you are probably dead weight to everyone else (assuming you are a new player, this dungeon is not as braindead as the nomal modes before, although you can mess up quite a bit of course without failing it).

So please gear up first a bit ;)

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