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Elemental gems


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Hey, I just though about the elemental gems are very limited to one elemental build if you choosed to go for only one you are stuck with it, but, I though maybe we could have a new system implemented in the game that allows you to exchange your current elemental gem for another gem black gem with the other elemental effect currently I am stuck with my shadow gem on my sin and I would like to go lightning but I would lose some damage because my gem is going to stay at shadow elemental which has no use this feature would help a lot of players to fast switch between their builds if they want to. 

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4 hours ago, Richtofen said:

Nah, they want you to have both.. So you would spend more money

Yeah, they could have done the same way as Transcendent or Cosmic souls do "increase Elemental Damage" but they just want you to spend more cash on the game.

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