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Dungeon loot auction


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What's up everyone I've just got back to BnS after a year I'm slowly getting the hang of all the new stuff. I got'a say...dungeon loot auction are annoying, not because of BnS but because of the CB's (Cry Babies ) Every and i mean every time i out bid someone they B*tch and rage exit. Lol Is there some BnS code now where you shouldn't out bid people or something? Or is it just CB's doing what they do?

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Depends.  Usually dungeons like Heaven's Mandate or Cold Storage have a hidden code where the person that uses the 'White Orb' receives the loot, since White Orbs are valued at 2g or so.


For all other dungeons, feel free to bid at your heart's content as long as it's not an annoying copper war.

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