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Japanese Voice Pack and BNS Buddy


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Since I have seen it on some streamers, I was wondering if using BNS Buddy and the Japanese Voice Pack gets you banned from the game. I am currently studying Japanese in University and I thought it would be a great extra practice to install japanese voices, trying to understand it (I HAVE NOT INSTALLED THEM). I don't want to get into any trouble or worse expelled ( from the game xD). So I would appreciate some answers!

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I have played on CN with replaced costumes on all my chars for years now. (haha, you can't ban me here for doing it on CN... eerm, you can't, right? XD)
And I never even got a warning. When starting the launcher there's a file check that for some reason scans all the files probably only for file name, not even by size. I know some people that play/played with mods/custom shit and I haven't heard anyone being banned for modifying the game, correct me if I'm wrong.

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wha that's so risky! But oh well I don't think I will mod my game. I like Blade and Soul too much to get banned XD I hope they will include Japanese/Korean/Chinese Voices ingame so wie can change the language like in FFXIV ^^

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I have never seen anyone banned for using mod or third-party launcher. It is a grey area, and NCWest is not actively seeking for modders.


The only scenario when you get banned for using third-party program is when you let a ping booster use Auto-Select server. This will cause your IP change every time you log in, which trigger NCWest's "suspicious activity" detection system. They will unban you, though.

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People who have run the modding community have gone on time and time again saying that mods do NOT get you banned, HACKS do.
Anything that alters game files and is picked up by gameguard (Which hacks do) are bannable. I even recall one dev (I believe it was babbletron) stating that he also uses third party client assist tools like project izanami for playing BNS.


The devs aren't responsible for alterations picked up by the system (which if you're modding harmlessly and correctly, should never happen.), nor will they give technical support on it; They aren't against modding, they are against hacking. So if gameguard picks it up, they'll be on your case.


In your case, using a different voice pack is perfectly acceptable so long as it doesn't trigger a flag in the system, which shouldn't happen at all. If you are banned, you were almost certainly trying to implement a hack.

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12 hours ago, amokk said:

@Karurosuda Yes, it MOST PROBABLY will not get you banned. But it CAN. You even say so yourself. You're altering game files, which is a violation of the ToS/EULA and maybe even Copyright.

Its not so altering the game files as it is simply being read over from a safe folder. They're not gonna hunt you down because you like the way japanese sounds over english unless it triggers gameguard's detection, which even then they have unbanned people for it before because it was completely harmless. This will rarely to never happen if you take precautions to 'mod safely'.



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