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'' Bravo '' Hair style

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 Is this hairstyle will be available anytime ?

 I'm not talking about the adornment, i'm talking about hairstyle. We know, some hairstyles have alternative head adornments for those who don't want to farm a certain adornment just for a hair. Why not bravo's has another head adornment or even be as one of the default hairstyles ? You already gave sweet treat's hairstyle to c. creation. This hair is rotten in wardrobe for too long. The achievement to get it is unrealistic.


 In b4, someone who really completed this achievement comes in to say : '' But, i invested too much time to get this hair, i don't want to see people running around me with that. '' :

 Example : Sweet treat.

 Cobalt widow wig : You know how low chance to get one and it was given out for almost free during merchant of wonders event.

 Hair of auspicious gon : Was later on allowed in c.creator. ( Not sure about this one )

 Would appreciate if anyone give out some other examples. I'm not solely tracking these.

 Even same thing has been being done for gear progression. Someone with awakened pirate weapon was considered to be a whale/no lifer ...


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the sweet treats hair style was in KR CC way before the outfit was/hair acc....  we basically get what KR gets.... and thats the only reason we had the pigtails put in CC cause it was already in KR.... as far as you wanting something like that... its highly unlikly they will do this simple because of what you just stated.. the purpose of having such a unique hairstyle takes hard farming, and yes ppl that actually put forth the effort to achieve it definitely don't want this handed out.. as much as i to like the hair style.. you won't see it in CC... now i can't say for sure it won't be put into something else.. like cash shop "maybe" and thats a huge chance... the only way i see them offering the outfit is if they put it into a year of prem;; but thats just me guessing... i dunno maybe dev team will take pity on you and do something ;P


Also Cobalt wig is also in achieve merch

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@Stelleia Getting cobalt wig from kiyeon, seems a bit rip off, still, a way better option than farming it, so low chance and the bid fight makes it even more expensive than kiyeon, just it hurts knowing it was given out for almost free during an event when i wasn't playing. Anyways, i'm not that desperate for '' Bravo '' hair. It just would be nice to have a realistic way to obtain it.

I was told there were really some people made this achievement. But, i 've never seen anyone with that hair. A person in forum done the mats long ago and he was telling that it would be around 1k gold O.o to get this achievement done, not to mention the time invested.

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1 hour ago, SauronTheGreat said:

@Stelleia Getting cobalt wig from kiyeon, seems a bit rip off, still, a way better option than farming it, so low chance and the bid fight makes it even more expensive than kiyeon, just it hurts knowing it was given out for almost free during an event when i wasn't playing. Anyways, i'm not that desperate for '' Bravo '' hair. It just would be nice to have a realistic way to obtain it.

I was told there were really some people made this achievement. But, i 've never seen anyone with that hair. A person in forum done the mats long ago and he was telling that it would be around 1k gold O.o to get this achievement done, not to mention the time invested.

Really? only 1k? thats cheaper then i thought honestly xD

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22 minutes ago, Stelleia said:

Really? only 1k? thats cheaper then i thought honestly xD

 Cheap ? LoL. You can buy 3 outfit/unique hair bundles with that currency, with only a click and confirm. It's just unreal.

 Anyways, i'm just after some hair, which doesn't look like a painted concrete attached to my head and all options are beyond my reach ; _ ; Guess, i ll have to wait for a new rotation in f10, if i'm lucky of course.

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