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Stealth in EC


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I ran EC for the first time this weekend. We got to the final boss and being the only summoner (and no Sin) I was told I needed to stealth the party before the boss' AOE. However seed shroud is dependent on us being hit. As I didn't have aggro on the boss the stealth didn't activate.


How can I stealth the party if I don't get hit?

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You need to wait until the boss raises his hand and once you see the glow coming from his hand like he is doing a charging animation or something then you can press 4 and f but not too early or else his attack won't hit the pt which means no stealth. You even have enough time to stealth as soon as you see the yellow indicator on the ground, you don't need the boss aggro to do this. In hard mode though, you will not have this indicator so try to get used to not relying on the yellow spot on the ground if you plan on doing it. Btw it sounds like you're confused about when to stealth the party, you only need to stealth once the boss gets true sight and everyone gathers in front of the boss. I recommend you to watch a video on youtube of a summoner doing the stealth to see exactly when to do it.

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Thanks. I had one guy call 'gather' when it was time in front of the boss. But we only have 2 secs for seed shroud to activate and then it fails. We tried it twice and ended up wiping. I'm reluctant to go back in now.  Maybe I'll wait until I'm HM15 or something.  :)

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if someone had to call 'gather' and you had 2 secs for seed that means your party was all over the place and wasn't ready for it anyways.

you should have gotten a system message saying boss is looking at someone or something like that well before that.

just join a group and let them know that its your first or second run that way if you have FM or BM in your group they can back you up just in case.

i know some ppl will give you ton of crap if you tell them its your first run but there are lot more ppl who are willing to give you few tries before giving up.

besides, some groups can just take full damage from fail mech and still manage to clear anyways.


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  • 4 weeks later...

So the only times you will need to prepare for stealth are when you see that Zakhan is watching on someone. In normal mode, he "marks" the furthest person from him (don't have to worry about "fake" marking or anything) and that is when everyone generally gathers in front of him. The way everyone else gets sent into stealth is that he throws a projectile on the marker that, in normal mode, shows up as a yellow circle. When 4>f is executed at the right time, this puts all party members in stealth besides the marker, who should continually dps the boss and ignore stealth. The rest of the members stop dps momentarily (about 3-4 seconds of your stealth).


The way I learned to do stealth, after watching a video or two on repeat, was to quit dpsing when it says he's setting his sights on someone (also making sure I wasn't the furthest person back so I didn't have to worry about marking or anything), then watch for his animations- he has two. I prefer to have my camera angle facing him head on rather than having it angled above him because it's easier for me to see the animations, but you do what you need to do to see them lol The first animation he does is raise his arm up completely from the shoulder joint (like he's reaching towards the sky), then the second one I like to call the noodle move because he brings his arm in front of him at a 90 degree angle to his body and does a little wiggle motion. Once his arm reaches directly in front of him and it looks like he starts to "charge" his hand up, I count 1....2....3.... and on 3 I press 4 and wait another, say, half second and press f. 


I think the trick is to really make sure you breathe and don't freak out. Idk what graphics you're using, but you also really wanna make sure you can see his animations. You don't have to be hongmoon 15 to do the dungeon. I know a lot of people will get mad and just tell you to go into f12 to practice but the problem is with f12 it takes ages for you to even get to the point where you need to stealth in order to even get any practice so I suppose if you have lots of time to waste you can go into f12 but if not the only other suggestion I have is to watch videos and just do it. You'll never learn if you don't try and hopefully you'll get groups that'll be patient and understanding if you say you've really got no experience stealthing before, but assure them you've watched videos online so you know the principle of what to do, you just need the practice now.


Hope all this helps and good luck! x

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