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Good class for me?


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I like to play 99% of the time solo

I want to play as a human male. No weird lyn. 


I want something that's good at soloing. Self heals preferably. I read everywhere sin is the best because they go invisible and skip everything in dungeons but I don't want that I personally want to fight through dungeons not just skip things. If I never solo as sin are they still a good solo class? Or should I try something else?

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If you don't like SIN, you'll probably want a Blade Master.  Easy to use, good damage, and the ability to block will make you survive more.  They have tons of iframes, making it easy to avoid attacks and damge.


All classes have a form of self heal, but this game isn't so much about healing and more so it's about dodging, resisting, blocking attacks.  This game isn't intended for people just to eat hits and heal themselves with a move.


A SIN is good for solo because they have stealth which allows them to attack mobs without them seeing you.  Once you hit a certain level, you can permanently stay in stealth resulting you in killing some bosses without the boss even attacking you.  Hence why it's a good solo class cause you don't have to deal with blocking, iframing, resisting attacks.


But I hope you know that later on, you can't really solo everything.  There will be dungeons and bosses that require 2-4 people doing mechanics, and without that party, you will automatically fail and wipe.  So I'd rethink your 99% solo statement, cause you won't get too far doing everything by yourself.

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On 24.02.2017 at 0:43 AM, dualistique said:

But I hope you know that later on, you can't really solo everything.  There will be dungeons and bosses that require 2-4 people doing mechanics, and without that party, you will automatically fail and wipe.  So I'd rethink your 99% solo statement, cause you won't get too far doing everything by yourself.

He still can do the whole main quest line in solo.
Also - later bosses will see through stealth. I would say - bm is a good choice. Fire build is really good for easy dps bursts and blocks/parries are fun to use in solo fights. Especially if you previously played something like dark souls.

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