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Discconnect and Game crash started After Block Some Players


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My game started crash and disconnect after I remove my friend list and block many players.Some of them is good about PC and using somekind of macro when play or I am afraid they know some bugs and use aganist me.Before I block they I dont Dc or my game crashed.Last 2 day I dont able to play mpre than 10 min.I am sure bout someone doing this in my block list.

I told I never open my block list too.I will not so I must chance nick?I must report everyone in my list or I must keep continue like this..I dont chanced my pc or aded new software too.Same pc same game same Internet connectıon.

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I disconnected just min ago again.My connectıon good and fast.I can wach online movies or youtube or can enter any website and use.My pc work good with new games or another MMORPG games too.Like I saıd its started after I block some players.One of them is play like non human whic is no body can play.Probably he is some kind of hacker.I fıgt with him before and its like his faster than any player or How I can say.Not normal player whic is you thing beter tahan word  BnS champion. I was able to move his HP bar.Little bit like 1 or 2.I must report local police for trying hack me or I must report game supprt etc.I am paying money this game but cant play becouse of this.Its aganist law isnt it?What must I do?Do you thing game support help me?Maybe I must want my money back and quit?I realy dont care if game let us someone make dc.Its happened years ago in another game calling rappelz other players used game bugs and maked us dc in guild war.Company dont maked anyting but they told ıts bug and they aded new pach after it but we lost war.Soo I am sure my pc and my ınternet ıs good.What must I do.If I quit Ill do what they want.If ı stay ı cant play too.Soo help me.If need I can post here myy block list.Another point I am good with pc too and I am sure ıts nıt my mistake.

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