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soulstones and elements


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Weapon powders are only from salvaging weapons. Running dungeons and salvage the loot should help you.


Soul Stones are easily obtained from Soul Stone Plains (Silverfrost). You should have around 500 ap or a Little less to go there otherwise your damage might not be enough to get loot. Depends on your class, too. Another easier method is to do the dailies in Misty Woods (Moonwater). You wont get as many stones there but it should be enough for you at first.

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26 minutes ago, Zedonia said:

Weapon powders are only from salvaging weapons. Running dungeons and salvage the loot should help you.

He can get the elements too by just doing his storyline and if he wants more he can do trial arena and learn his class aswell as get some more elements.

You'll need the powder at a certain point where you just won't get any elements through easier ways so what definitely could help you progress faster is learning to pvp. 30 soulstones after 20 wins is pretty good when at low gear lvls

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