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Doing dungeons for the first time


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Hey guys.


I'm pretty much a solo player and wish to stay that way but the problem is that even though I have several characters that are around 600-700AP right now but I've yet to do Tomb/Citadel because I don't have a clan or friends playing the game to do with. I have tried read up on the guides extensively for the new dungeons so should I just hop into a pug in F8 hoping that I don't mess up others' runs like what I've done for the previous easier dungeons? Any mechanics that many first timers that you've encountered make in these dungeons that I should take note of? Tia :)

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Fake it till you make it.  Since you chose the route of being solo and not playing with friends or clans, you will have a tough time doing dungeons with actual mechanics and coordination.  All you can do is potentially pug an overpowered party where mechanics would get skipped.  With that high of an AP most mechanics/phases can be facerolled.  Just learn the "wipe-mechanics" so that you don't do them.


And there's nothing wrong with saying you're new in the party.  Most likely they will either A) kick you out, B) explain mechanics, or C) give you an easy role that doesn't require much thought.


But tons of clans out there recruiting for high AP to do endgame content.  See if you can find one :)

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I would just join an experienced party that asks for 20/30+ runs and pray that they don't ask for achievement link. One person that is not experienced will not hurt the party unless he deliberatly lets the party wipe. You said that you watched a lot of guides allready, so you should know what you should NOT do. I got my first succesfull runs this way.

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