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Blade Masters


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Sooo long story short


Didn't play in a while, like 6 months or so. Came back recently to try the game out again, and Im happy to see that you can now spec to tab escape ice bomb as FM! ( my main )


I noticed that BM's got INSANE while I didn't play the game. Like once they get me in a daze or stun Im dead in 3 seconds from full hp. WTF?. They just spam dragontongue and some fire stuff they didn't do before, and it does like 6k ALL THE TIME? On top of that the normal 12k Lightning draw crit....

Eventually a half decent BM WILL get me in a daze or stun without escapes available, all it takes is ONE CC to almost kill me from full hp. There are actually times I got killed to dragontongue spamming BM without even being in CC. Its almost like sin pveing you from stealth but 5 times the damage...


How long has this been going on and can I expect a nerf any time soon?


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