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How to Improve at 1v1?


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I've been stuck around 1500-1570 for a while now, I've played about 300 total 1v1 games, watched tutorials, practiced combos on mobs/dummies, applied tutorial knowledge to real pvp, and looked up ways to counter certain classes. 


I'm pretty sure it's not my ping or fps as fps is usually around 40-50 in 1v1 arena and I don't really get any noticeable latency. 


Any advice on how I can improve at 1v1? I used to think that I'd be in gold by now =/

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Which class are you playing? There is a little bit of luck involved depending on your class. Since some classes will have a huge advantage over others. For example if there are only assassins in the arena, it may be hard to get to gold with KFM or BM. It is just some random examples don't start flaming me now XD

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I play BM Q_Q  *grabs flamethrower*


I can somehow win or at least come very close to winning against most assassins I've met so far, but I got pit against some gold assassins once and... well...


Summs also walk all over me but I've seen people like Flow poop on summs sins des and basically everything with BM, so I assume it's also a matter of skill


I also know quite a lot of BM's in gold and platinum, so I'd like to at least get into the lower half of gold before the Korea op BM buffs hit NA

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Idk what your specific problem is but my guess is that you try to PvE people too much because this is the main problem I notice with fire BM's who are stuck in lower rating now. Back in lightning build it was pretty much impossible to PvE people. So if you didn't know what you were doing, you'd guaranteed be stuck. Nowadays BM with fire can try to PvE and it actually kind of works but it doesn't fly in mid ratings. Unless you know very well what you're doing and the situation is right, you should never be trying to do damage to people when they aren't CC'ed.

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I can perectly understand you Asura, about 2 years of BnS experience here, maybe...hmm...500 arena matches on my KFM and I can get to low gold if I try really hard. :P

The thing is, the arenas are not very popular an more, not like in the beginning where everyone was doing them. So it's actually much harder to reach high scores, and the good people already start at low gold now. The simple answer is that at 1550, most people you run up against also have 300+ matches behind their belt, they have watched the vids, practiced the combos, know how to draw out a TAB. ^_^'

In the end, reaching higher means you have to somehow get be faster at getting better than those people. Personally, what helped me most recently was studying animations in spar matches with friends. Spars help you focus on a specific class that gives you trouble, and if it's with a friend you can be more relaxed about trying out new stuff that mostly makes you fail miserably but sometimes gives you a boost. So maybe try spars now as a way to get better?

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