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Why aint NCSFOT doing something about wintrading in tag match?

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Just like last season less then a week from the start of the season there are already FIVE dias and ZERO plats, all from the same guilds,same server. I don't even know how they got only 5 people to dia when its 3 people per team. I dont have any proof to show they are wintrading so if im wrong please post a comment telling me how im wrong cuz i don't see how pic related can happen without at least some sort of wintrading 

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ya I wish they would just prevent all the chinese/VN from playing US servers. Worst group of players ive ever seen. Most of them can't speak english so entirely useless in f8 since this is the NA version of the game. Many just exploit and do whatever they can to ruin the gameplay for others...as you can see from the picture above.

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Alternatively to wintrading, the system is also exploitable by highly skilled players working a strategy using "feeder" alts. Let's say three excellent players (platinum) each have 4 alts of a class they also can play on platinum skill level with.


They can match up Main - alt - alt repeatedly, with the alts rising ranks at only quarter speed, thus tricking the match making system into keeping their opponents in gold rank while they themselves pass through platinum. Moreover, at some point they can derank the alts and rinse and repeat.

The more players and alt chars are involved, the easier this gets.


They are even protected from being sniped by really good players, because the matchmaking will never match them to 3x platinums, let alone  3x diamond teams. <.<'

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