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Observer mode for 1v1


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Appearantly the game has long long since came out and there still isn't an option to observe your friends 1v1 matches, besides going through collecting 6 people and killing off the extra in tag match spar. It would be a really nice adition in my opinion. And to observe good players random matches too outside of finding their twitch, if they are even streaming in the moment.

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The main goal of this spectator client that they are supposedly trying to developed is not that you can use it instead of twitch to watch anyone and anything who is playing the game at the moment, but so that you can actually stream a tournament game as a 3rd person.


I would not count on this feature (if it even gets released at all anytime soon..) to make you able to watch whatever player you want at any time without limitations.

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As far as I know people have been asking for this since before the West version even got into the beta, and the devs have had it on their list since then. The tricky bit is that the official world tournament spectator modes work by having up to 3 invisible "camara men" in there which they use to generate the footage we see in their tournament streams. So they either have to make people walk around the arena actively, observing the fight, or generate really clever AI that gives you good perspectives and views automatically. Both variants also have the problem of potentially increasing lag within arena, which the two fighters won't like I bet.


So that combined with other priorities (game updates, content patches) probably is the reason it's still not there.


I personally would love it, it would be very educational and fun!

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