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lighting rod stun doesn't work


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But it wasnt boss .it was just normal monster . Doesn't join attack means same type of cc twice ?  But in my case . I used the mine to knock the target down and follow up with lighting rod stun however the stun didn't show up . Was it just a bug or the new lighting rod stun only works if the target isn't being cced ? 

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It was some sheep in silver mountain .lvl 48 sheep .  The stun from lighting rod should override the knocked down . But for some reason. It didn't override . If u have a sin .try it yourself . U will see what I mean.    Knock down with landmine follow with lighting rod stun. Stun won't show up . 

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Stun does not override Knock down. Stun will add onto knock down, creating an advanced CC which cannot be tabbed out. This is explained if you go through Hajoon lessons as a destroyer.


What you will see is that the sheep remains knocked down, with stars above it. It will get up as normal when knock down duration is over, but if the stun duration is not over you can still see the stars on it. So it is still always in stun status. You can still use your stun prerequisite skills. Try it out yourself, I know my KFM can 3rf even though it is knocked down, or when it is getting up when there are stars above it.

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