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Force Master - Yeti


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Yeti aint so hard for a fm, if someone else tanks yeti. But most of the time i get agro, tanking him aint so hard, it's just this one thing. What to do if he knocks u back? Waste an iframe to avoid it? Let yourself be knocked back to press tab if he jumps u? Whats the easyest way to avoid this?

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4 hours ago, Grimstar said:

Yeti aint so hard for a fm, if someone else tanks yeti. But most of the time i get agro, tanking him aint so hard, it's just this one thing. What to do if he knocks u back? Waste an iframe to avoid it? Let yourself be knocked back to press tab if he jumps u? Whats the easyest way to avoid this?

The easiest way to tank yeti is to move back and forth between 4m and 8m. When yeti is about to attack, be in melee range. When he is attacking be at 8m. Here is what I mean.


Yeti, like many other bosses, follows a set attack pattern, knowing this pattern makes tanking yeti a breeze. I'm going to assume you know all his none melee attacks and how to handle them (like sucking heat, jumping, smashing the ground etc.)


*note, I can't remember the exact distance as I've gotten so used to tanking it this way I just know by heart if I'm gonna get hit or not.

Melee 1 - Right hand uppercut that knocks you back. Yeti will do this if you are within 4m of him and you need to be about 6m away to avoid it.

Melee 2 - Double arm crush, stuns you. Yeti will do this if you are within 4m of him and you need to be about 7m away to avoid it. This is his biggest range melee attack.

Melee 3 - Double swipe that hits you twice. Yeti will do this if you are within 3 meters of him. He will walk up to you to within 1m if you are between 3-5 meters away from him. you need to be about 6m away to avoid it.

Melee 4 - Jumps up and land on his butt. Yeti will do this if you are within 3m of him and you need to be about 4m away from him to avoid it. Otherwise he will walk backwards and do a long jump towards you (not actually sure about this but when I hug him really tight, I never see him do this).

Melee 5 - Escape from KD and smash ground. Yeti will do this if he is KDed. Don't KD him, or if you do, make sure he is grabbed, gripped, kicked into the air etc. You need to be about 5m away to avoid this.


Now that you typically only need to worry about melee 1 to 4. Yeti will do them in sequence. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4. If you just hug him, and move away, and move in back after he does his attack, yeti will always behave this way, and it becomes very easy to tank him, since you can predict what he is going to do next. Now the only trouble I see, and I myself have this issue as well, is that since 2 requires you to be quite far, you might not be able to run back into range fast enough for him to do 3 where he is standing, and he'll move towards you. And since melee 3 has a fast animation, you might not be able to move out of the way fast enough. You can either run towards him, and then jump through him to his back, or use Q or E to pass through him. I save my SS for his long jump and his jump after he sucks heat. This is because sometimes groups push him so fast my stun isn't off CD, then I would plop down my fire tab (specced daze) and then SS out. This makes sure that he lands right on top of the trap. I save 1 Q or E for his heat sucking to avoid getting pulled in, so I can save my tab for when I mess up his knock back. When you are KDed by yeti and is tanking, if he is not doing his specials, you should immediately use tab to either get up and move out of the way, or time it so you can use the iframe associated with it to negate his jump on you. Otherwise a KD hit and a jump on you would leave you very low, if not dead.


Hope that helps.


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u describe my problem as melee 1, that uppercut. So when i see it coming, i'll just have to move back abit? The rest of his melee attacks are simple, i just move through him. Problem with that uppercut is, even if u move through him, he still hits u.

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I don't move through yeti, I move closer and then further away from him, I find that works the best. Uppercut is one of his 2nd fastest attack, I never had any success "watching" for the attack coming. Instead, I dodge by anticipating.


For example, after he does the double swipe, I think to myself, ok he's going to do the big crush, I need to move into range. And so I do, and indeed yeti does that and since I know the attack is coming, I pre-emptively move out of the way, and the attack misses. When I am tanking yeti, I don't watch what's happening right now, I look at what's going to happen for his next attack, and plan it accordingly.


You just have to learn his attack patterns and move in and out of range in rhythm.

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Moving back and forth in and out of Yeti's melee range is one way of doing things, but it often results in the Yeti moving around too much.


I've done a couple of 2 man Yeti runs before, and in my experience my teammate gets really pissed off if the Yeti moves around more than it absolutely has to.


Instead, sticking to a strategy that keeps the Yeti as still as possible is the better approach. For bonus points, make sure the Yeti faces the same direction the entire time so your melee teammates can attack it from behind. This isn't as hard as it sounds.


You can dodge two of Yeti's moves by walking directly through him, without using a dash.


Yeti has a four move rotation. He uppercuts, swipes you twice, claps you with both hands, then either jumps on the spot, or walks backwards (where he will either jump slam you or if you're close enough, try to uppercut you, continuing the rotation.) Whether Yeti walks backwards or jumps on the spot appears to be random.


Uppercut -> Double swipe -> Ear clap -> Stationary jump slam -> Uppercut -> ... (rotation continues)

                                                                                                           -> Walks backwards -> Uppercut (if you kept up with Yeti) -> ...

                                                                                                                                              -> Flying jump slam (if you didn't keep up) -> Double swipe -> ...


Yeti doesn't always start with the uppercut. However, he'll always cycle through his melee attacks in this order.

Force Masters can use Tier 3 Stage 3 Firestorm (Flame Tab) to parry Yeti's uppercut, and it's recommended to have it for this fight.


Firestorm parry the uppercut OR use a dash to dodge -> Walk through Yeti to dodge double swipe -> Walk through Yeti to dodge the ear clap -> Simply back away from Yeti to dodge if he jumps straight up in the air, or use a dash to dodge it.


If Yeti backs up on you, you can;

A: Stay where you are, and use a dash to i-frame the jump slam.

B: Do a 180 turn, and backstep towards the Yeti (because you don't have a gap closer).


Once you know that, all you need to do is learn how to do the Heat phase/Cold phase mechanics properly and you can single-handedly carry Yeti runs.


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I don't know, I tank him in place and he doesn't move much at all, if any. I suppose I just got so used to it. I don't recommend speccing fire parry for pugs, because you can't always trust pugs to be able to CC him properly. When your party has enough DPS, your stun won't be off CD in time. I look to my fire daze for CC at that time. And since I have aggro most of the time, he'd jump right on top of me, right into the trap. Easy CC.


You can walk through yeti to dodge his attacks, but that turns him. I rather have yeti move a couple meters at a time but always face the same direction as a melee.

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Yeti doesn't have to turn if you walk back through him immediately after dodging an attack.


You don't have to walk far. Position yourself directly underneath the Yeti and you'll only have to shuffle slightly to completely dodge his attacks.

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