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FM vs KFM searing palm


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alright I know KFM is supposed to be an easy match for FM's but I find it hard to beat them when they constantly put up that searing palm. like what am I supposed to do not attack them at all lol. if someone can give me some advice without calling me shit that'd be nice. I've just never known how to get past that. 

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first of all, Kfm has 2 different searing palms.

One that stacks dmg each time he uses it (pve palm) and one that stuns you (pvp palm) for 2 second if he manages to hit enough time (8 if I am not wrong) or knocks you down (if he didn't).

Be careful since pvp searing palm can still stun you if he doesn't land all 8 hits because you receive damage from hit and each time it counts as a stack and at 8 stacks : stun for 2 seconds.


PS : pvp searing palm lasts for 10sec so you can iframe the knockdown at 1sec.

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11 minutes ago, Ujarac said:

nah Its not the counter that's annoying its whatever makes them super resistant to things ( which I believe is the searing palm unless I'm wrong)

Elbow smash [2] (Block 2 way):


1)Can't be block desable.

2)Stop enemy for 0.5 sec even if they have range atack immune.

3)1 atack immuned in 1 sec after block.

4)In arena crit 4k 16m AOE.

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No the "super resistance" is an effect that procs off KFM's dodges, Q and E: each time they resist an attack using Q or E, they stack an agility buff (5% more running speed). At 3 stacks, they receive a 100% evasion boost for 6 seconds. Skills that circumvent evasion still hit, though.

Never heard KFMs should be easy for FMs, this is certainly not true for lower tier arena: FM is my absolutely easiest match-up as a KFM. Unless the KFM does not know how to avoid freeze and root effects I guess.

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