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Destroyer with insanely rapid animations = anim cancel?


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Just encountered this destroyer in arena 3v3 where he easily annihilated all 3 people on my team SOLO (none of us were afk obviously), without taking much damage at all. Resists/counters every single attack and uses this vertical chop at insane speed (literally 3 chops per second, kills a character in less than 5 seconds just like that).

Is this a hack or the so-called "anim cancelling" that I've been hearing about? I have never encountered a destroyer as OP as this. No matter how good you are I'm having extreme doubts you can take out 3 non-afkers solo without losing much HP.

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The rapid chop attack you are talking about is probably his 'wrath' abillity. (his left click abillity) He does not need ani cancel to do that altough it will help him do more damage. He can only activate that skill when he slams you down after grabbing you or after he uses a skill named fury. Fury gives him 100% crit rate and resists to stuns, dazes etc. It lasts for 6 seconds so the best thing for you to do is run untill his fury runs out or grab him. You can tell if he used fury or not. He will have a red or blue aura around him depending on the skill points he put into fury. 


Never use your escape too early or a destroyer will wreck you. 


If I may ask, what class are you playing?


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I've got a Destroyer and I will say right now, a Des with fury active who uses wrath on you will kill you in about 5 seconds from 100% hp roughly. During fury, all CCs except knockdown will be resisted, and all CCs are resisted during big red spin, and every CC except knockdown for regular spin. We also have a iframe thing that makes us take no dmg for 2 seconds, and if we are attack during the time we can gap close and air you. Animation canceling is a thing, but generally animation cancel deals significantly less damage than Wrath in my experience and would take maybe 10 - 15 seconds of ani canceling to kill someone from 100% without fury. Destroyers are quite broken 3 v 3, don't feel bad. 

That being said, there are people who macro, script, and CD hack using destroyers (I've met at least 2 Cd hackers on my BM) 


Also, in 3v3, a lot of higher ELO players purposely lose elo for lower que times, you might have just gotten owned by a solo que diamond destroyer, u dont know, so yeah, dont take it too hard.

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