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Starting the game, question about crafting


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I started this game last last summer on taiwan. played about 3 months and quit. i am planning on starting the game today again on NA after a 1 year break basically.


so my question is, what is the method for making gold here? and as for crafting, what are the popular ones and why?


(i basically forgot everything about the game)

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For Crafting:

Merry Potters

Those you can make your own pickaxes, making you self sufficient gathering Quartz for upgrades, making refiners to craft your own transformation stones

Soul Wardens

Goes extremely well with merry potters, since these crafters make the stones, you can also craft primers for your soul shield with them


For gathering:

Tree Fellers

With these you can gather and make the mats you need for the two above listen crafting guilds

Green Thumb

With these you can gather and make the mats you need for the two above listed crafting guilds


With these four, you can rely on yourself and its easier to progress through the upgrades with having those for main char.



When u reach silverfrost mountain and the daileys there, you can make like 40-200 gold just doing the content a day (lvl 50 content), as you level you wont be able to make that much gold, and its not really needed, since early upgrades are cheap.


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On 5/6/2016 at 6:04 PM, IMKR said:

I started this game last last summer on taiwan. played about 3 months and quit. i am planning on starting the game today again on NA after a 1 year break basically.


so my question is, what is the method for making gold here? and as for crafting, what are the popular ones and why?


(i basically forgot everything about the game)

Crafting sucks tbh, worst design in any mmo to date. Grab a couple of gathering ones and craft and auction the mats. Focus on getting to 50 and enough gear to do content. 


Content gives you gold. Crafting can, but you need game knowledge and alts to really make crafting work well enough to be worth the time. 

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true, for me aswell, crafting as a source of income, is not really happening in this game, most mats actually sell better then the final product :)


I only use it to be self sufficient, and for clan crafting since some of the stuff thats gets crafted in clans, need people to have crafting guilds of rank 3 and such to make it work

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Crafting makes lose money in this game. For any crafter you need merry potters for their items. Also a lot of the mats for high level crafting you also need it for your weapons/accessories upgrade IE soulstones. Not to mention other mats and dungeon drops so you will be bidding against your party for them.


Just do dailies for gold and buy what you need on the marketplace.

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