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Best Way to Capture a Video while playing.


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idk, i have gtx960m which should be suitable with shadowplay, yet it does not record at all. I've tried to ask on nvidia forums, and nothing, it has prolly problems with notebook graphics. All what my shadowplay can do is show the frame rate.

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you need to either:


- enable desktop capture in shadowplay

- or press alt + enter to activate real fullscreen mode. needs proper timing to press, you'll notice how the screen goes black for a short amount of time. then it's real fullscreen.


shadowplay only works with fullscreen modes, not borderless fullscreen windows (for the latter a borderless window is still a window on your desktop, so you need desktop capture for it)

BnS has a fake fullscreen mode. even if it says fullscreen in the settings. notice how when you press f.e. alt tab during gameplay your tabbed application overlaps the game which then sits view-able in the background? when you alt tab with a real fullscreen mode, it switches the application "BnS" to the application "desktop" and you cannot see BnS during the time at all.


be aware though, real fullscreen is obviously not really supported by the game, it tends to lock up the game when you switch out for too long (you cannot enter the game anymore and need to exit it with the taskmanager).

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that desktop capture option is not even there (for some ppl is the box grey aka uncheckable, but i have not the box there)

for some ppl it does work when they start bns trought geforce experience 'Launch' button but when i try this, it only open some korean bns page

anw i didnt know the bns fullscreen is 'fake', i will try it with alt+enter when i came home.

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to enable desktop capture with the official release of geforce experience go to your geforce experience panel, go to preferences, then shadowplay and on the right hand side you'll find a preview monitor grafik (like a picture of a monitor). and directly beneath this monitor there is the checkbox for desktop capture.


if you use the geforce experience beta release (like i do) you need to click the pull-down menu next to share and select preferences. from there press privacy control and enable it from there.


oh i need to add, if there is by any chance really no checkbox, check for updates. or use the beta release. the beta release works the same, it's awesome, needs a bit of setup though. but i use it for a special reason: integrated screenshot function. it's way better than the integrated one from BnS. because BnS deletes the own applied post-processed AA Filters when using the BnS-internal screenshot-function (i have no explanation why BnS does that) and also stores them as jpg, which is a nightmare when you want to edit screenshots and is the reason why screenshots always look so ugly compared to the game itself live.


the geforce beta screenshot function doesn't care about BnS mind-tricks. and also saves them fully uncompressed as PNG.

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