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Tips for getting Moonwater Tear?

Clouded Hell

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I'm having a really hard time with this- I've reached a point in crafting where I need a significant amount of Moonwater Tears to make what I need to continue leveling up my gear. The problem is, the only two ways of obtaining this that I'm aware of (if there are more, please let me know) are buying it on the marketplace (and most listings are selling at least 50 tears, making the price of the full bundle quite expensive) or by doing Moonwater dungeons (in which you can only get two at a time and most of the time you'll have to pay market price anyway because this is such a hard-to-get item that a lot of people need for higher-level crafting. In my experience, people bid to absurd levels that are even higher than the market price per unit, so I end up backing down and essentially wasting the time I spent in that dungeon).

Since either way you're probably going to have to pay market price to get the Moonwater Tears you want, is it more efficient to just buy what you need off the market, or is it better to suck it up and grind Moonwater dungeons?

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You can buy a bundle for NC coins as well, if you have any left-over. I find that the dungeons unless you really need something are unproductive. I am running Brightstone ruins, and generally don't get anything but 'the recipe did not drop again' and sometimes Moontears at slightly less than the Market price.


The best way I think is to have a gentleman agreement with one or two other people and just keep farming it till you all get what you need, swapping bids every other run. But I have not seen anyone interested in doing it.

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I love running Brightstone for money, and teas. jsut keep your quest reward silver, and after 3 runs you probably got enough silver to win an auction in a run, and keep doing that.


Heck I went into Ogong once and got 2 tears for 2 copper cause people were jsut trying t get the daily and 100 defeats achievement

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