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FM against BM n BD


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Spec in Snowball to disable BM block for 6 seconds, but that skill wont give you full advantages.


Scenario 1: Block disabled, BM will rush to you with their daze and stun craps, so you might have to time it and freeze yourself. Fail that and see your HP magically depleted like water.


Scenario 2: Block disabled, BM will pull you and daze you. Press F and they're likely to use their instant rush to stun you again and damage you like a Warlock burst. As far as I remember, you gotta be quick to use QQ/EE after F.

Not pressing F, they will still burst you like an ani-cancel KFM/ Des :v.


Scenario 3: Use your Tab or SS after failing the criteria above, just pray that the BM has already used his tab before you do.


Scenario 4: Watch BM run away and waste your 6 seconds opportunity, because when you chase them, they will surely rush and stun you, no doubt. FM will never be in advantage in the moment against classes with fast cd instant rush skill. Your range is nothing against their instant rush.


Basically, in this 6 seconds time-frame, you're likely to be on defensive mode rather than offensive unless the BM is not good.

Spec into Frost Fury that penetrates Defense and Parry, that way BM will not move as pleased.

FM do not have instant rush + CC skill, your only opportunity against BM is when both tab and especially, his block are down.


Our chill and freeze means shit to them, do you feel much bother against another FM because of their chill and freeze? No, because like BM, we have QQ/EE/SS, and on top of it, BM has rush. The match never favored FM in against BM.

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14 hours ago, Zerecas said:

Spec in Snowball to disable BM block for 6 seconds, but that skill wont give you full advantages.


Scenario 1: Block disabled, BM will rush to you with their daze and stun craps, so you might have to time it and freeze yourself. Fail that and see your HP magically depleted like water.


Scenario 2: Block disabled, BM will pull you and daze you. Press F and they're likely to use their instant rush to stun you again and damage you like a Warlock burst. As far as I remember, you gotta be quick to use QQ/EE after F.

Not pressing F, they will still burst you like an ani-cancel KFM/ Des :v.


Scenario 3: Use your Tab or SS after failing the criteria above, just pray that the BM has already used his tab before you do.


Scenario 4: Watch BM run away and waste your 6 seconds opportunity, because when you chase them, they will surely rush and stun you, no doubt. FM will never be in advantage in the moment against classes with fast cd instant rush skill. Your range is nothing against their instant rush.


Basically, in this 6 seconds time-frame, you're likely to be on defensive mode rather than offensive unless the BM is not good.

Spec into Frost Fury that penetrates Defense and Parry, that way BM will not move as pleased.

FM do not have instant rush + CC skill, your only opportunity against BM is when both tab and especially, his block are down.


Our chill and freeze means shit to them, do you feel much bother against another FM because of their chill and freeze? No, because like BM, we have QQ/EE/SS, and on top of it, BM has rush. The match never favored FM in against BM.

When you  Fight a BM, your job is to stall the match as long as possible. the longer the fight goes on, the better your chances. BM will always have an advantage over FM because of block. good tips btw, however you didnt mention that in order for the block to work, the BM has to in the action f blocking, so you have to time it right or other wise you wasted it. If you're not stunned and a BM pulls you, use q/e because he will try to launch you in the ait. whenver he does his flock of blades or the damn lightning aoe attack, use ground veil and sheath yourself. You won't be able to damage him in this state, you try to stall it out for as long as you can. try to get behind him as well. you can't block from behind so you can do your stun lock combo here. remember BMs don't heal at all or that much, im not sure. but you can heal more than they can for sure, which is why stalling and lasting out the match is favorable.


Unlike a BM where you want the match to stall, A BD match will always be quick and painful. Fighting a BD is really dependent on your reaction time. BDs move quick. The match will almost always start with him launching you. then slash, going behind you and launching you again, after he'll go for a stun combo. this takes at least 40%. The one thing about BDs is that they will spin endlessly to a FM because of stun and because they need to spin to get unfrozen. the more they're frozen the more they have to spin to get out of it. In this match frost tornado +3 is your best friend. it stops spinning (for destro as well) some bds won't know what happened. a smart BD will wait for you to use it, and then use resist buff on them. keep an eye on their resist buffs because 6 secs of no spinning can be really crucial. be careful when a bd grabs you. i always spec into grab tab because, while being grabbed , he can mark you, it's not much of an issue but what follows is draining your chi which is bad then launch again. some expect it, some don't. BDs VS FM is kind of even imo, but it will be in favor of BD because they move faster, attacks are faster. your attacks are a bit slow but used right can be annoying as *cricket*. always use ground veil as well. Ground veil and ice sheath work like a charm because it hells any resist. if you're low on heals, you can use veil and ice armor for a mass heal boost as long as the BD hits you some.

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Response to BM: 

Spec for block breaker snow ball and pray you can get it off on them. If they back step, freeze with glacial beam. After that I usually just hit them with inferno stage 2 tier 2 and meteor. But of course this is assuming they don't CC you the entire match, or run away! If possible I would open it with gathering 3 frost orbs, phantom grip, frost dragon, life drain, another chill to freeze and stun spam, until he pops tab or I get an air combo off, which ever is easier and more worth while.


Response to BD: 

Spec for ice tornado, and grab escape, the f*** them over the entire match! Ice tornado disables their BS spin parry, giving you a 4 second window of opportunity! If they use a resist skill, I just brute force it down. I usually use full ice against them, cold snap, frost soul, and T2S3 frost fury. Once they're still, infernal meteor spam! 


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