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Transmuting : Information Required


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Ok here is a semi long thread about transmutation in-game 


I tried to create a high quality outfit pouch >> used 10 fabrics and 3 HQ fabrics (well got a ton of them from the trove event so why not right ? ) 


The transmutation was shown as a success and I received a high quality fabric instead of a high quality fabric pouch . Well since this is not what I expected, I raised a ticket with NCSOFT support . 


The summary of the response given is below :


"We understand your frustration regarding this, however, it is stated on the page regarding the Gems and Transmutation update that transmutations have a chance to fail. It is also stated here that failed Outfit Pouch transmutations will not return the materials used. We have included a link to this page below: 


Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund the materials consumed on the transmutation."


Ok so here comes the question , I am sure all of you might have checked the link by now 


"You can use Transmutation to combine fabric to create outfit pouches that will contain random rewards, gem fragments (and occasionally some other ingredients) will create gem chests that will contain random gems, and multiples of a particular gem can be combined to create a higher quality version. In addition there are some special event items that will need to be combined through Transmutation to create event prizes.

Be careful, while special event Transmutations always succeed, normal Transmutation recipes do have a chance to fail. Failing to Transmute Gems can cost you currency, though you get to keep your materials. In the case of Outfit Pouches, you can lose your crafting components as well!"


Ok so here is the question , there has not been anything mentioned in the so called "warning" post about the transmutations being successful and then not having the rewards as advertised 

Also , the transmutation I have had is a successful one, not a failure , so the loss of materials argument is irrelevant. Will be adding a screenshot to show the same as soon as I reach home and if this thread has not been deleted by then. 


Question 1 : 


So I am referring to the same post that you have linked me NCSOFT team , and it clearly shows that you have been sort of wrong. Now instead of running to edit the website page ( I have screenshots to prove the details with date and time as to what the content is when I am posting this ), kindly do not beat much around the bush and at least service the request I have raised. 


Question 2 : 


Ok so referring to the same link that the support team has pointed out , it clearly states that while transmuting Gems and failing , you can cost your currency though u get to keep the materials. From personal experience , I have seen that this is also not the case . Every time the gem transmutation fails , the materials AND the cost is lost . So support / NCSOFT team , care to explain this ? 


Thank you 


A very concerned Player 




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23 minutes ago, Tracmar said:

Question 1 : 

So I am referring to the same post that you have linked me NCSOFT team , and it clearly shows that you have been sort of wrong. Now instead of running to edit the website page ( I have screenshots to prove the details with date and time as to what the content is when I am posting this ), kindly do not beat much around the bush and at least service the request I have raised. 

The transmutation pouches never "fail" in the same way as gems can (with the broken fragments & no result), when outfit transmutation fails you "successfully" transmute a fabric, essentially losing your materials along with currency.


23 minutes ago, Tracmar said:

Question 2 : 


Ok so referring to the same link that the support team has pointed out , it clearly states that while transmuting Gems and failing , you can cost your currency though u get to keep the materials. From personal experience , I have seen that this is also not the case . Every time the gem transmutation fails , the materials AND the cost is lost . So support / NCSOFT team , care to explain this ? 

When transmutation on normal items fails, you get to keep the items that are in the "circle" above (For gems that'd be the gem fragments),




but lose the currency and other transmutation cost (in the row of items below the circle)



In case of transmuting pouches, you never fail, so both the items are always consumed, sometimes to return 1x Fabric.




However, here's the real question.

Why the *cricket* couldn't the outfit transmutation be done like THIS:




and with a chance to fail like any other normal transmutation? This is essentially identical, and would've helped avoid a whole bunch of confusion.


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Thanks for the explanation , but again my question is , as you have mentioned , the ones below are the ones you always lose and the ones above are the ones u retain? 


Because if that is the case also , the same scenario , all the materials I have used have disappeared  including the one on top since I technically "failed" a transmutation 


How do they even expect people to make even a semblance of sense about this ? 


And again , pointing to broken tool tips and insufferably mundane explanations that does not serve any purpose to "easily" solve any ticket raised "sorry the tool tip is wrong , we can't help" attitude >> makes one wonder as to whether a support is needed at all 

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A guild member also experienced this 2 times today.. Him tried to transmute outfit and saw the "succesful" sound that it makes, also show. But on his case, he didn't got any "fabric", just loose all mats, he tried again and same happened...Him also sent a ticket to NcSoft Support, w8ing for a reply...

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9 minutes ago, Tracmar said:

Thanks for the explanation , but again my question is , as you have mentioned , the ones below are the ones you always lose and the ones above are the ones u retain? 

Yes, the ones above you retain in case of failed transmutation the ("Transmutation failed" and broken fragments and shattering sound), and the ones below you always lose no matter the outcome. When transmutation fails, you receive nothing.


9 minutes ago, Tracmar said:

Because if that is the case also , the same scenario , all the materials I have used have disappeared  including the one on top since I technically "failed" a transmutation 

Only "technically". On game side, you succeeded a transmutation, and received a fabric. So you didn't "fail" per se, according to game.


If the transmutation was same as gems (like the picture I made), then if you failed to transmute you'd get the shattering sound and be left with 1 fabric (exactly as it happens right now, except without the confusing "success" message). I have not a slightest clue why it's not made like that. It feels like some junior employee didn't realize that was a possibility and made a shitty workaround.


5 minutes ago, EasleyRR said:


A guild member also experienced this 2 times today.. Him tried to transmute outfit and saw the "succesful" sound that it makes, also show. But on his case, he didn't got any "fabric", just loose all mats, he tried again and same happened...Him also sent a ticket to NcSoft Support, w8ing for a reply...

He did get the fabric, it was simply added to his stack (if he had 10, he'd have 7 after the attempt).


Source: transmuted that crap about a hundred or so times.


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@Enhance I totally agree to the points you have made before, but my question again is simple . 


Neither the game website nor the so called tips in the official website mentioned anything and I mean anything about this at all . 

And from the response I received , the support said its a wrong tooltip and they are working on it 


1. If they knew this to be wrong / insufficient , why didn't they even bother to fix it so far even after multiple complaints?  

2. Are they relying on people to point out the mistakes , but then do not acknowledged there is a problem , blame the tool tip but never bother to fix it . Is there like an internal wager or something that I do not know about where they will not fix a tip till they receive i don't know 50,000 complaints about the same thing ?


This game is becoming more and more frustrating day by day , and the team in charge of it don't even bother to even address 1% of the issues being reported 

Oh wait, lets put some cute costumes on the store so they will forget about the actual issues !!! >> problem solved for 1 week ...to be rinsed and repeated next week 

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